(a) New Residential Construction. All new residential structures and additions to the primary wall plane within defined Infill and Redevelopment Areas shall be subject to the following requirements:
(1) A primary entrance for pedestrian access into each building shall be provided along the primary wall plane or its offsets.
(2) A one-story projection on the primary wall plane of a building shall be provided and shall include at least one (1) of the following:
a. A porch, a minimum of twelve (12) inches high, four (4) feet in depth and width; or
b. A canopy over the primary entrance, a minimum of three (3) feet in depth and width; or
c. A bay window, projecting a minimum of one (1) foot and being three (3) feet in height; or
d. A recessed entry, a minimum of three (3) feet in depth and four (4) feet in width that includes exterior steps, or an arched doorway.
(3) A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the primary wall planes and side wall planes facing a public street shall be transparent glass, or any window or person door opening; but shall not exceed the maximum openings permitted under the Kentucky Building Code. Garage doors shall not be calculated in the wall plane area.
(4) Garage doors located anywhere from four (4) feet behind the primary wall plane to the lot frontage shall be subject to at least one (1) of the following criteria:
a. A garage door facing the lot frontage shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the surface of the building facade; or
b. The garage door shall be located a minimum of four (4) feet behind the primary wall plane; or
c. The garage door shall be perpendicular to the lot frontage.
(b) Group Residential Projects. In addition to the requirements in Subsection (a) of this section, all Infill and Redevelopment Group Residential Projects shall be subject to the following requirements:
(1) The choice of garage door location under Subsection (a)(4)b of this section shall not be permitted.
(2) At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the roof surface of the principal structure shall be covered by a minimum 4:12 pitched roof.
(3) The maximum length of a primary wall plane for a structure shall be one hundred sixty (160) feet.
(4) A change of at least four (4) feet in depth and at least eight (8) feet in length shall occur for every forty (40) feet in a primary wall plane or side wall plane facing a public street.
(5) All exterior lighting shall require a lighting cutoff, concealing the source of lighting visible from all property lines of the site.
(6) The maximum height of free-standing exterior lighting fixtures shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(c) Conflict of Infill Standards with Design Guidelines in a Local Historic (H-1) District. In the event the provisions of Subsections (a) and (b) of this section, above would conflict with the adopted Design Guidelines applied by the Board of Architectural Review as a part of the Certificate of Appropriateness review and approval process, the H-1 guidelines shall be deemed to be the stricter requirement and shall control.
(d) Special Considerations for Setbacks in Infill and Redevelopment Areas. The intent of the Infill and Redevelopment regulations is to allow new construction that is compatible with existing development patterns in older, established neighborhoods. Unique circumstances may require appropriate Board of Adjustment action to allow some relief of yard requirements where strict application of the regulations would cause unusual hardship or a development incompatible with the existing pattern of the neighborhood.
(Code 1983, § 15-7; Ord. No. 307-2002 , § 1, 12-5-2002; Ord. No. 133-2004 , § 1, 6-24-2004; Ord. No. 166-2017 , § 7(15-7), 11-16-2017)
Editor's note(s)—Ord. No. 307-2002 , § 1, adopted Dec. 5, 2002, renumbered former § 15-7 as 15-8 and enacted a new section 15-7 as set out herein. The historical notation has been retained with the amended provisions for reference purposes.
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