Nothing in this Charter shall be construed to alter or affect the election, term or compensation of any other constitutional officer, including the offices of Circuit Court Clerk, Commonwealth Attorney, Justices of the Peace, Constable, Jailer, Coroner or Surveyor. Nor shall any provision of this Charter be construed to alter or affect the powers, duties or responsibilities of said officers as prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. All officers referred to or falling under this Section are hereby recognized as officers of the Merged Government in the exercise of their functions, having the same relationship to the Merged Government in the performance of said functions as previously existed between these officers and the County of Fayette. Pursuant to this relationship, all fees, commissions, emoluments and perquisites of any office covered by this Section shall accrue to the Merged Government as the same formerly accrued to the County of Fayette.