(1) Each horse which is desired to be used in the horse-drawn vehicle business shall be inspected prior to being placed in service and again before renewal of any horse-drawn vehicle license by a licensed Kentucky veterinarian, at the expense of the licensee. The inspection shall verify to the designated license facility that the horse conforms to the safety and fitness requirements of this article and the regulations of that office, which regulations shall be available in printed form to all applicants. As a minimum standard, such examination shall certify that the animal is suited for the use intended by the licensee. Such certification shall identify the horse by name and physical description. The designated license facility shall notify the director of tax collection in writing whenever he approves any horse for service.
(2) When a horse-drawn vehicle license is issued to any owner, the director of tax collection shall be authorized to issue a horse permit for each horse owned by the business which shall meet the requirements of this article and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as determined by the designated license facility. The director of tax collection shall clearly set forth the permit number of such horse and the expiration date thereof on each permit. Such permit shall be securely affixed by the owner to a conspicuous and indispensable part of the harness of such horse at all times he is pulling a horse-drawn vehicle. Whenever a horse used in the horse-drawn vehicle business is found by the executive director of the Lexington Humane Society not to be in a safe or fit condition or does not fully comply with all requirements specified in this article or in any regulation issued pursuant thereto, the director of tax collection shall suspend or revoke the permit therefor until these provisions are complied with.
(3) In no case shall a horse permit be transferable from one horse to another.
(4) As used in this article, the word "horse" shall include horses, mules or any other beasts of burden which may be hired for the transportation of passengers by pulling a vehicle.
(Ord. No. 17-85, § 1, 2-7-85; Ord. No. 90-2005, § 13, 4-12-05)