The membership of the commission shall be composed of sixteen (16) appointed members and eight (8) ex officio members, as follows:
(1) Eight (8) of the members shall be appointed by the Mayor of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, subject to confirmation by a majority of urban county council members, as follows:
a. One (1) member from the administration of the urban county government;
b. Three (3) landlord/business community representatives, each of whom own residential rental property or business concerns in the immediate area of the main campuses of one (1) of the Universities and College;
c. Three (3) neighborhood organization representatives, selected from among nominees to be submitted to the mayor by incorporated neighborhood associations whose recognized boundaries are contiguous to the border of the main campuses of one of the Universities and College;
d. One (1) at large urban county council member.
(2) The ex officio members shall consist of the urban county council member from the First District, the urban county council member from the Third District, the urban county council member from the Eleventh District, the Executive Director of the Downtown Development Authority, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Commissioner of Public Safety, or his or her designee, and the Student Government Presidents, or their designees, from each of the respective Universities and College.
(3) Six (6) of the members shall be appointed by the President of the University of Kentucky, one (1) of the members shall be appointed by the President of Transylvania University, and one (1) of the members shall be appointed by the President of Bluegrass Community Technical College System for their respective entities, as follows:
a. Four (4) University of Kentucky administration representatives, one (1) Transylvania University administration representative, and one (1) Bluegrass Community Technical College System administration representative; and
b. Two (2) University of Kentucky student representatives, one (1) Transylvania University student representative, enrolled at university at the time of appointment. Discontinuation of enrolled-student status shall disqualify the incumbent and be cause for a new appointment to be made.
(Ord. No. 289-99, § 1, 10-21-99; Ord. No. 30-2003, § 1, 2-6-03; Ord. No. 18-2012, § 2, 2-16-12)