(a) The actions of Lana Gibbons, Roger Dalton, Robert Trinler and David Franklin, all being residents of the county, as incorporators for a nonprofit, nonstock Kentucky corporation under the provisions of KRS chapter 273, named "Bluegrass Crimestoppers, Inc.", and hereinafter referred to as "corporation", and the activities of the corporation, be and are ratified.
(b) The corporation is organized for the following purposes:
(1) To foster the detection of crime and encourage persons to report information about criminal acts;
(2) To encourage the news and other media to promote the Bluegrass Crimestoppers and inform the public of its function;
(3) To assist other crimestoppers organizations in forwarding information about criminal acts to the appropriate law enforcement agencies; and
(4) To help law enforcement agencies detect and combat crime by increasing the flow of information to and between law enforcement agencies.
(c) The corporation shall possess all the powers conferred upon a corporation organized under KRS chapter 273 dealing with nonprofit, nonstock corporations and shall have all powers necessary, proper, convenient or desirable in order to fulfill and further the purposes of the corporation. The chairperson, the representative of the division of police, and two (2) members of the board selected by majority vote of the board shall comprise an executive committee, which is authorized to act on behalf of the corporation in performing management and business-related functions.
(Ord. No. 48-96, § 1, 4-4-96)