(1) That the mayor or his designee(s) are hereby authorized and requested to serve as incorporators for and to organize a non-profit non-stock Kentucky corporation under the provisions of Chapter 273 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, to be named "Lyric Theatre and Cultural Arts Center Corporation" and hereinafter referred to as "corporation."
(2) The corporation is organized for the purposes of overseeing the management of and programming for the Lyric and any and all other appropriate purposes.
(3) The corporation shall possess all the powers conferred upon a corporation organized under chapter 273 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes dealing with non-profit non-stock corporations and shall have all powers necessary, proper, convenient or desirable in order to fulfill and further the purposes of the corporation.
(4) The corporation shall have the authority to submit an application to the Internal Revenue Service for tax exempt status.
(Ord. No. 236-2009, § 1, 11-5-09)