The environmental commission shall:
(1) Advise the mayor, the council, the planning commission, the board of adjustment, the building inspector, and all other appropriate bodies and officials concerning the environment and environmental policies of the community.
(2) Strive to improve the environment and quality of life of Fayette County by promoting and encouraging good environmental standards and practices in the development and growth of the community; research, draft, negotiate and support the passage of ordinances and statutes and laws on local, state and federal levels that concern the environment, land use planning and community development; encourage the enforcement of existing ordinances, statutes and laws.
(3) Investigate and study pollution of the air, land and water in the community; formulate plans for the elimination and reduction of such pollution; promote and support cleanup campaigns and antilitter projects; develop civic pride in improving the aesthetics of the community; encourage individuals, organizations, businesses, schools and neighborhood associations to improve the appearance of their properties and surroundings; promote landscaping and general beautification of public rights-of-way, buildings, parks, open spaces and utility installations.
(4) Promote greater public consciousness of local environmental problems and needs; publicize local environmental activities; compile and provide a list of environmental speakers to all interested persons, schools and groups; promote the development of environmental curricula in local schools; encourage and organize workshops, seminars, films, slide shows and speaking programs on environmental concerns.
(5) Maintain and preserve records of meetings and actions, and make these records available for public inspection.
(6) Perform any other act necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose of this article.
(Ord. No. 184-74, § 6, 9-26-74; Ord. No. 41-83, § 1, 3-24-83)