Any permanent or standing committee of the urban county council to which a proposal has been referred shall report to the urban county council upon each such proposal, either with or without a recommendation unless the urban county council shall withdraw the proposal or reassign it. After any hearing by the committee upon a proposal, the chairperson of the committee shall submit a formal report of the committee's action, in writing, to the council. The report shall include any recommendations supported by a majority of the committee and may, upon request of any member of the council, include a minority position. A summary of the report may include these action items with brief remarks on items discussed. Copies of all committee reports shall remain on file in the council office. The committee report of action may be part of the committee minutes or summary, copies of which shall be distributed to all council members and filed in the council office. (See 2.201).
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)