1) The provision of this rule shall apply to action taken by the council at regular, public meetings held pursuant to rule 3.102, special meetings held pursuant to rule 3.103, and work sessions held pursuant to rule 3.104. It shall also apply to action taken by any seated committee or subcommittee of the council to consider again any matter which has been previously decided within the term of that committee or subcommittee.
2) Any matter which has been previously decided, within the term of any seated council, shall not be considered again without a motion to reconsider; to rescind; or to amend. However, once an ordinance amending the zone map atlas is voted on, the council shall not reconsider the matter unless ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction.
a. Reconsider. The motion to reconsider is made only by one who voted on the prevailing side. Anyone can second the motion to reconsider. This motion can be made only on the day the vote was taken. If the motion is carried, the original motion is again open to discussion and vote. No question can be twice reconsidered unless it was materially amended after its first reconsideration.
b. Rescind: The motion to rescind may be made and seconded by any member of the body, and can be made at any time. However, the motion to rescind requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote if notice of the motion to be proposed has not been given at the preceding meeting or in the call of the meeting. If the motion is carried, the matter previously decided shall be cancelled.
c. Amend something previously adopted: The motion to amend something previously adopted may be made and seconded by any member of the body, and can be made at any time. However, the motion to amend something previously adopted requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote if notice of the motion to be proposed has not been given at the preceding meeting or in the call of the meeting. If the motion is carried, the previously-adopted motion, as amended, stands.
3) A motion to reconsider, rescind, or amend something previously adopted is not in order if action has already been taken which cannot be undone or changed.
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)