Meetings of the council shall be conducted in an orderly manner to ensure that the deliberative process of the council is retained at all times. The presiding officer shall be responsible for maintaining the order and decorum of meetings.
No council member shall speak on any question or discuss any matter, nor interrupt another, nor make a motion without recognition from the presiding officer. No council member shall be interrupted by another without the consent of the council member who has the floor, unless it be to call them to order. Every council member shall exercise decorum during debate, conduct themselves in a courteous manner, confine their remarks to the question, and refrain from using unbecoming, derogatory, or abusive language, and shall also refrain from making personal attacks or accusations.
If any person breaches the rules of decorum in a manner that disturbs, disrupts or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of the meeting, the presiding officer can order that person to cease the offending conduct. If any person fails to cease the behavior, the presiding officer can request the removal of that individual from the chambers.
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)