1) The urban county council shall meet at the dates and times specified in a schedule of meetings adopted annually by the council by ordinance, in the council chamber on the second floor of the Lexington-Fayette Government Center, for purposes of conducting a "work session." Action taken by the urban county council at a work session is procedural in nature (See 2.201). A quorum for work sessions shall consist of not fewer than eight (8) of the fifteen (15) members of the council. The following order of business shall apply for work sessions of the urban county council;
I. Public comment-agenda items only.
II. *Requested rezonings/docket approval. (No item shall be placed on the docket which has not been approved at work session, either as part of the work docket or as a separate item at work session, except in case of emergency and except as limited by section 4.07 of the Charter).
III. Approval of summary.
IV. *Budget amendments.
V. Budget adjustments (for information only).
VI. New business.
VII. Communications from the Mayor.
a. Appointments.
b. Donations.
c. Procurement Reports.
1. Price Contracts.
2. Fixed price bid recommendations (unilateral contract or purchase order).
3. Sole source procurement recommendations (unilateral contract or purchase order).
VIII. Continuing business/presentations/employee recognition. Continuing business includes requests for neighborhood development funds, council capital projects, and council committee summaries. Up to three (3) presentations are permitted per work session and each presentation shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes; presentations may include but are not limited to presentations pursuant to legal requirements, presentations constituting official business (which, for the purposes of this section, includes but is not limited to, LFUCG department and division updates, LFUCG program updates, requested and/or required annual updates, and presentations involving budgetary or fiscal matters), proclamations, and LFUCG employee recognition, with priority given to presentations pursuant to legal requirements and presentations constituting official business.
IX. Council reports.
X. Public comment-issues not on agenda.
XI. Adjournment.
2) The work session agenda shall be composed of items referred from the following sources:
a. Council members;
b. Council committees; and
c. Mayor.
3) The work session agenda, which shall also include items deferred from previous work sessions, shall be prepared and delivered on the Friday preceding the scheduled work session.
4) At work session, the council will take one (1) of the following steps after discussion of each agenda item:
a. Refer it to a council committee;
b. Refer it to the administration for action, report or a recommendation;
c. Place it on the docket of an official council meeting;
d. Remove, postpone, or defeat; or
e. No action; received as information.
5) At the work session preceding an official council meeting, the council shall also consider, in addition to its work session agenda, a tentative docket for the upcoming meeting. This "work copy" docket is prepared by the council clerk and shall include the following:
a. Items previously referred to the docket by the council;
b. Zoning amendments;
c. Acceptance or rejection of bids;
d. Communications from the mayor (for information only); and
e. Personnel matters.
6) In the case of a requested rezoning, the council shall during work session decide whether to follow the planning commission's recommendation without a hearing; to review the planning commission record and (i) base its decision thereupon; or, (ii) hold its own hearing and base its decision both upon its and the planning commission record. In cases where more than one (1) zone change is placed on the work docket and public hearings are scheduled, the zone change applicant who filed the earliest with the division of planning shall be given preference in selecting a public hearing date, unless the planning commission hears the cases in an order different from that based on the time and date of filing the zone change request. In such cases the order in which the planning commission decides the zone change requests shall prevail over applicants who filed earliest.
7) In cases where the council decides to hold its own public hearing and base its decision both upon its and the planning commission record, the council shall endeavor to schedule the hearing for a time at which at least thirteen (13) council members have indicated that they can be in attendance; provided, however, that since Charter section 4.07 states that the required quorum for all official meetings of the urban county council is only ten (10) members, the council may consequently choose to proceed with any scheduled hearing on the hearing date notwithstanding that less than thirteen (13) members are in attendance so long as at least ten (10) members are present. At the scheduled time of the hearing, the council may alternately determine to postpone the hearing to a reasonable time thereafter for the purpose of securing the attendance of at least thirteen (13) members.