It is the duty of a licensee under this article to ensure that:
(a) Every short-term rental owned by the licensee meets and complies with the following at all times:
(1) Contains sufficient smoke detectors installed and in working order as required in section 12-1 of the Code of Ordinances;
(2) Contains at least one (1) functional carbon monoxide detector installed in an appropriate location as set forth in the Kentucky Residential Code;
(3) Contains at least one (1) maintained and charged fire extinguisher located in an open and easily accessible location on each habitable floor of the short-term rental;
(4) Contains at least one (1) operable emergency and rescue opening in every sleeping room, as set forth in the Kentucky Residential Code;
(5) Has posted, in a conspicuous location in the short-term rental, the following:
a. The name, email address, and telephone number of the licensee or operator of the short-term rental, if different from the licensee;
b. The name, email address, and telephone number of the registered emergency contact for the short-term rental referenced in the licensee's application for a special fees license;
c. The emergency and non-emergency telephone numbers for police, fire, and emergency medical service providers;
d. Trash and recycling pickup information;
e. A clearly marked emergency evacuation plan for the premises showing exit routes, exits, and fire extinguisher locations;
f. The maximum number of occupants permitted in the short- term rental;
g. A copy of the conditional use permit, if applicable; and
h. The website address of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government where the guest may review the locally-required duties of a Licensee and file a complaint;
(6) Contains no outdoor signage identifying the dwelling unit as a short-term rental;
(7) May be occupied by a maximum of two (2) individuals per bedroom, plus an additional two (2) individuals, up to a maximum of ten (10) individuals; or as otherwise allowed in the licensee's conditional use permit or the Zoning Ordinance. Any permanent resident of the dwelling unit present during the short-term rental period shall count toward the maximum occupancy; and
(8) May not become the location where a violation of the laws governing assault, sexual offenses, prostitution, controlled substances, weapons, gambling on the premises, or any felony has occurred. Instances in which the licensee or primary resident is the victim of the crime and had no control over the criminal act, including domestic violence, shall not be considered.
(b) Short-term rentals shall not be utilized for private events, such as weddings or parties, in which the number of participants exceeds the maximum occupancy limit described in this section. No private events, such as weddings or parties, shall occur between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Special events for a commercial purpose shall be prohibited at all times;
(c) The licensee shall abide by all requirements contained within the conditional use permit, if applicable;
(d) There shall be no more than one contract per short-term rental at a time;
(e) The licensee of a hosted short-term rental shall not allow "entire (or whole) house," "entire (or whole) home," or "entire (or whole) dwelling unit" rentals for those short-term rentals occupied by someone other than the transient guest;
(f) The licensee shall submit a true and accurate report annually to the Division of Revenue, in the manner and form specified by the Director, identifying:
(1) The address of each short-term rental owned or operated by the licensee;
(2) The local registration number of each short-term rental owned or operated by the licensee; and,
(3) The number of contracts to which each short-term rental owned or operated by the licensee was subject in the preceding year, and the duration of each contract;
(g) Every short-term rental operated by the licensee complies with all applicable planning and zoning rules, ordinances, and regulations.