As soon as possible after the election of council members, the vice mayor shall make appointments to the standing committees, as required by these rules.
The standing committees shall be as follows:
1) Social services and public safety committee, to which shall be referred matters relating to the department of social services and its divisions, the department of public safety and its divisions, any related partner agencies, and matters relating to capital improvement projects.
2) General government and planning committee, to which shall be referred matters relating to the department of general services and its divisions, the division of planning, the department of law, any matter relating to the general administration of government and the divisions under the chief administrative officer, any related partner agencies, and any other matters relating to capital improvement projects.
3) Environmental quality and public works committee to which shall be referred matters relating to the department of environmental quality and public works and its divisions, including capital improvement projects and any related partner agencies.
4) Budget, finance and economic development committee, to which shall be referred matters relating to the department of finance and its divisions, and any related partner agencies, including capital projects, the urban county courts and constitutional officers, fiscal operations of the government, revenues and expenditures of the government, and organization changes which affect the fiscal operations of the government (consideration limited to operational aspects only) and to which shall be referred matters relating to economic development and related partner agencies. Additionally, this committee shall review the final audit report and management letter of the accounting firm recommended by the mayor and selected by the council to conduct the annual financial audit of the urban county government and shall report its findings concerning the same to the mayor and council for appropriate action.
The social services and public safety committee, general government and planning committee, environmental quality and public works committee, and budget, finance and economic development committee shall each consist of ten (10) council members and each council member shall serve on two (2) of these four (4) committees. The budget, finance and economic development committee shall be comprised of the vice mayor, two (2) additional at-large council members, chairs of the remaining standing committees, and additional council members as needed to reach ten (10) total members.
The chair and vice-chair of each standing committee shall attend parliamentarian training, as organized by the council administrator, before the first committee meeting of their term. Parliamentary training shall be completed each term.
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)