1) Call of council; quorum. The presiding officer shall take the chair at the hour designated for convening the urban county council for any regular public meeting or special meeting, shall then call the council to order and determine the presence of a quorum. A quorum of all regular public meetings, and special meetings, of the urban county council shall consist of not fewer than ten (10) of the fifteen (15) members of the council (Charter section 4.07). If the presiding officer determines that a quorum is not present, the presiding officer shall recess the urban county council for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes, or until the chair determines that a quorum is present, whichever occurs first. At the end of the thirty (30) minutes, if a quorum is not present, the urban county council shall not meet until its next regular public meeting, special meeting, or work session. If during any regular public meeting, or special meeting, it is determined that a quorum of ten (10) council members is not present, the urban county council shall recess for up to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, after which time, if no quorum is present, the council shall adjourn until its next scheduled meeting. When the call is ordered, the council clerk shall call the roll of the council members, rotating the call alphabetically at each meeting so that a different council member shall be called first each meeting.
2) Order of business. The following order of business shall apply for regular public meetings of the urban county council:
I. Invocation.
II. Roll call.
III. Minutes of previous meeting.
IV. Mayoral Proclamation. Up to two proclamations per council meeting. Council members can submit recommendations to the mayor three weeks prior to the council meeting they want the proclamation to occur. The award language must be written and submitted with the proclamation request. Groups or individuals may be recognized; such recognition/award process shall be noted in the records of the council clerk.
V. Ordinances:
1. Second reading;
2. First reading.
VI. Resolutions:
1. Second reading;
2. First reading.
VII. Communications from the mayor.
VIII. Communications from the mayor (for information only).
IX. Public hearing (public hearings may be scheduled for an appointed time during an urban county council regular public meeting, and the regular order of business may be delayed to allow for the public hearing).
X. Fire/police discipline - YES or NO.
XI. Comments or announcements by council members.
XII. Public comment.
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)