In addition to the core staff positions, each council member may appoint one (1) full-time aide to council, or two (2) part-time aides to council, when such positions have been created and a full-time position has been abolished, or may agree with another council member to appoint one (1) full-time aide to be shared by both council members. Aides to council shall perform only government-related work duties prescribed by the appointing council member(s) within the parameters of Article 16 of the Charter of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and chapter 25 of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Code of Ordinances. Aides to council shall serve at the will of the council member(s) appointing them. All council legislative aide appointments must be ratified by the council. Aides to council shall provide all necessary administrative and clerical assistance to their council member(s), including analytical and research support functions. Aides shall attend staff meetings and follow all LFUCG employee policies (open records, record retention, etc.). Each council member shall be responsible for interviewing and hiring their aide(s). Council members are responsible for approving time and attendance for their aide. In the event that council members agree to share a single aide to council, all decisions regarding the employment and discipline of the employee must be unanimous. If the decision to dismiss is not unanimous, the aide to council shall become the aide to council of the council member who has not agreed to their dismissal.