1) Travel and expenses: Council members shall abide by LFUCG travel and expense procedures; CAO Policy 4R.
2) Approval of vouchers: A travel voucher shall be prepared in conformity with LFUCG procedures.
3) Council office space: Only council business shall be conducted in council offices and conference rooms.
4) Purchasing policy: The following guidelines are for all purchases made by the urban county council, council legislative aides and council staff and are in addition to LFUCG's procurement card policies.
a. Appropriate purchases.
i. All purchases shall be tax exempt.
ii. 71214-Prof. Services-Neighborhood Development Funds: may only be used for NDF purposes; funds from other budget lines may be moved into this line; funds may not be removed from this budget line once added for any non-NDF purpose.
iii. 72203-Cell Phones: to be used for cell phone/data services (if a council member or office chooses to have an LFUCG issued cellular device).
iv. 74102-Conferences and Other Trainings: to be used for any out of town conferences or training provided for the council member or their legislative aide.
v. 74201-Business Travel: to be used for in-town travel/events (i.e., Commerce Lexington dinner, banquets, etc.).
vi. 75101-Operating Supplies and Expenses: to be used for general office supplies (i.e., specialty paper, mailings, toners, etc.).
vii. 75102-Food and Household Items: to be used to purchase food for meetings or refreshments for neighborhood events.
viii. 75801-Equipment Under $5,000: to be used for the purchase of office equipment as needed (i.e., iPads, Laptops, monitors, etc.).
b. Prohibited purchases.
i. Personal charges are strictly prohibited.
ii. Alcohol.
iii. Cash advances.
iv. Flowers.
v. Gifts.
vi. Comprehensive list can be found on page 11 of LFUCG's Procurement Card Manual.
c. Documentation.
i. The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government's record retention policy requires that records of all procurement card transactions be kept on file for three (3) fiscal years.
ii. Documentation shall support the propriety of the transaction and contain the following information:
1. Supplier name.
2. Detail listing of what was purchased, including item description, quantity and price.
3. Total dollar amount of the purchase.
4. Transaction date.
5. Purpose/explanation for purchase.
iii. Examples of acceptable supporting documentation include:
1. Original sales receipt.
2. Original packing slip.
3. Original cash register receipt.
4. Copy of order form, registration, or application.
5. Email confirmation of Internet order.
d. A monthly procurement card transaction log shall be maintained by each council member office and include:
i. Respective monthly receipts.
ii. A new receipt file should be set up and maintained each month.
iii. Card users receive paper bank statements listing all transactions made by their card for that month - all receipts should be matched to the transaction log and attached to the bank statement.
iv. This process is required for audit purposes and cardholders are subject to audit at any time without notice.
v. Submit form with receipts for council record that includes: date of purchase, category of purchase, reason for purchase (include event, date, time, location, etc.).
e. Training/assignment of cards.
i. All council members and legislative aides shall complete the pro-card training prior to card issuance.
ii. Pro-cards shall be in the name of the legislative aide.
iii. Council member offices can opt-out of having a pro-card and can make purchases through the council office.
f. Annual audit.
i. LFUCG Division of Internal Audit shall conduct an annual audit of council office expenditures.
g. Any non-consumables purchased by council offices are the property of LFUCG.
(Res. No. 599-2023, § 2, 11-2-23)