(a) The stone, sand and asphalt cement shall be heated separately to such a temperature as will give after mixing, a homogeneous mixture with a temperature of between 225 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The mixture must be held in the mixer until all particles of stone and sand are coated.
(b) While in transit to the site of the work, the mixture must be protected from unfavorable weather conditions by the use of tarpaulins or canvas cover. When ready to be dumped for spreading, it shall have a temperature of between 200 and 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
(c) On reaching the street, it shall at once be dumped on the foundation and deposited in place by the use of hot shovels, and then raked to a uniform and even surface, or by use of an approved asphalt spreading device, when it shall be immediately rolled with a tandem roller weighing from 5 to 8 tons. After a thorough compression by rolling, the binder shall have a depth of approximately 1¼ inches. The upper surface of the finished binder shall be parallel to the finished surface of the pavement and shall show at no place an excess of asphalt cement. All binder that shows lack of bond, or that is in any way defective, or which may become broken up before it is covered with the wearing surface must be taken up and removed from the street and replaced by good material and rerolled. No more binder shall be laid at any one time than can be covered by one day's run of the paving plant on surface mixture. The surface of the binder shall be kept as clean and free from dust or traffic as is possible under working conditions. If necessary, it may be swept carefully with hand brooms before laying the finished surface. No binder shall be permitted to be laid on a wet or damp concrete foundation, or when the surface of the concrete has not been swept carefully or is not free from all loose particles of dirt.