Editor's note(s)—Section 17-20, relating to noises in streets, was repealed by § 4 of Ord. No. 23-83, adopted Feb. 24, 1983. Specific prohibitions are found in § 14-72.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any portion of the public right-of-way by placing or depositing thereon or causing to be placed or deposited thereon any vehicles, barrels, boxes, shelves, stands, merchandise, cross-ties, concrete blocks, spikes, basketball goals, decorative tree wells or other articles of any kind, except as provided in sections 17-22 and 17-23.
(Ord. No. 198-95, § 4, 9-7-95; Ord. No. 174-2001, § 23, 7-5-01)
(a) Any person engaged in constructing a building, sidewalk or other structure shall be permitted, upon obtaining a right-of-way blockage permit, to use that portion of the sidewalk or street as may be reasonably necessary for the deposit of materials to be used in such work; however, a sufficient portion of the sidewalk and street shall be unobstructed so as to permit the free passage of pedestrians and vehicles; and further, the space so occupied shall at no time exceed half the sidewalk unless a safe temporary walk is provided in the street. If the blockage is within the area between the pavement edge and the property line, a blockage permit must be obtained from the division of engineering. If the blockage is within the street, the blockage permit must be obtained from the division of traffic engineering.
(b) Materials shall not be deposited so that they will obstruct any gutter; and it shall be the duty of the person having such work done, and the contractor performing the same, to place signals at both ends of such deposit of material and to keep the same lighted at dusk and during the night.
(c) The deposit of materials and the use of the sidewalks and streets as herein provided shall be subject to the supervision of the urban county engineer and the director, division of building inspection, who may require such materials to be surrounded by a fence or other enclosure.
(d) Within three (3) days after the completion of the construction work, all remaining materials and rubbish shall be removed from the sidewalk and street; and if any injury or damage has been done to the sidewalks or street, it shall at once be repaired by the owner and the contractor to the satisfaction of the urban county engineer.
(Ord. No. 198-95, § 5, 9-7-95; Ord. No. 174-2001, § 24, 7-5-01)