(a) “Part-time” employees are those employees who work for the Village, on all the following terms and conditions of compensatory employment:
(1) Their wages are based on an hourly rate of pay as opposed to a salary schedule.
(2) The number of hours they work in a week are less than forty.
(3) They serve the Village in a non-volunteer capacity.
(4) They are not an elected official or an appointed department head.
(Ord. 2004-08. Passed 2-5-04.)
(b) Part-time employees are not permitted to work more than thirty-two hours per week.
(c) Part-time employees are not permitted to work more than sixty-four hours per pay period (every two weeks).
(Ord. 1994-14. Passed 10-6-94.)
(d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to emergency situations, in which the Mayor signs a written authorization to allow part-time employees to work to cover the emergency period.
(Ord. 1987-18. Passed 11-3-87.)
(e) Part-time employees shall not receive any “fringe benefits” under Section 151.03, except part-time employees are allowed to obtain hospitalization insurance at their own expense as part of any Village group medical plan, provided the Village’s medical provider allows such coverage. (Ord. 2000-07. Passed 7-6-00.)