(a)   Definitions.  
      (1)   “Fringe benefits” means those benefits to employees of the Village which are paid to the employee in a form other than direct salary or hourly wage for work-time performed by the employee for the Village, and specifically include the following:
         A.   Paid vacations;
         B.   Paid sick leave;
         C.   Paid holidays;
         D.   Paid hospitalization insurance, either in full or in part or by percentage, as Council may from time to time determine by Motion;
         E.   Paid unused vacation and portion of unused sick leave on termination of employees’ services.
      (2)   “Full-time employees” are those employees who regularly perform forty hours or more of service to the Village at an hourly wage rate. “Salaried employees” are those employees, irrespective of hours of service per week to the Village, who are paid on an annual compensation consisting of one or more pay periods per year and not an hourly wage rate. “Full- time employees” and “salaried employees” are qualified to receive “fringe benefits”.
         (Ord. 2004-13. Passed 2-5-04.)
   (b)   Vacations. Vacation benefits shall be awarded based on employment date as follows and regulated as follows:
      (1)   For qualified employees with at least one year of service to the Village, but less than seven years of service to the Village, two weeks (or 80 hours equivalent) of paid vacation shall be awarded, per year.
      (2)   For qualified employees with at least seven years of service to the Village, but less than fourteen years of service to the Village, three weeks (or 120 hours equivalent) of paid vacation shall be awarded, per year.
      (3)   For qualified employees with at least fourteen years of service to the Village, four weeks (or 160 hours equivalent) of paid vacation shall be awarded, per year. (Ord. 2004-03. Passed 2-5-04.)
      (4)   Years of service shall be calculated for each qualified employee on the basis of the employee's anniversary hiring date or in the event of a lateral hire from another municipality, political subdivision or from private employers in the same job title or job description, credit for years of service shall include years of service the employee provided at another municipality or political subdivision, which shall be determined by the Municipal Manager at the time of the employee's hire date in conjunction with the Village's offer of employment. Paid vacation must be taken by the qualified employee within one year after the end of the first service year, or date of hire in the event of a lateral hire, to which the vacation is awarded or else it is forfeited. The Village Administrator may allow vacation to be taken within the first year of hire for a lateral hire as negotiated at the time of hire. However, qualified employees, upon giving written notice to the Fiscal Officer, may carry forward one week (or 40 hours equivalent), but no more than one week (or 40 hours equivalent) of their awarded paid vacation. Qualified employees are prohibited from working for the Village during the paid vacation period, unless requested by the Municipal Manager in an emergency for the preservation of the public, health, safety, or peace. (Ord. 2023-18. Passed 11-1-23.)
      (5)   When a qualified employee’s employment relationship with the Village is terminated (irrespective of reason), his remaining unpaid vacation for that calendar year shall be immediately calculated and paid within one week of termination at the qualified employee’s then current rate of regular pay.
      (6)   Qualified employees may receive their vacation pay on the pay date immediately preceding their vacation by notifying their supervisor in writing of such a request, with the supervisor in turn notifying the Village Fiscal Officer for payroll purposes. The written request shall be made at least one week in advance of the pre-vacation pay date or the privilege is forfeited; i.e., the vacation pay will be paid in the normal pay period.
      (7)   Paid holidays are not counted as paid vacation time, even if they coincide with a qualified employee’s vacation.
      (8)   Supervisors and qualified employees should plan their vacation schedules in advance to assist the various departments and Village Fiscal Officer on matters of scheduling, payroll, and the budget.
      (9)   Supervisors must schedule and approval all vacations in increments of not less than four hours per vacation.
         (Ord. 2004-03. Passed 2-5-04.)
   (c)   Sick Leave. Sick leave benefits shall be awarded as follows and regulated as follows:
      (1)   A qualified employee shall be awarded ten hours for each calendar month of service to the Village of Lewisburg, for paid sick leave purposes.
      (2)   A qualified employee can accumulate unused sick leave credit in an unlimited amount. Unused sick leave above 960 hours, however, shall not be relevant in computing a qualified employees’ termination benefits under Section 151.03(g)(2) of these “Codified Ordinances”.
      (3)   Qualified employees may use their unused sick leave for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees, and to serious illness, serious injury, or death in the qualified employee’s immediate family. “Immediate family” means the employee’s actual household members, or in the case of funerals, those persons who are within three degrees of consanguinity of the employee.
      (4)   Sick leave shall be deducted in increments of no less than four hours per leave.
      (5)   Qualified employees may only use sick leave upon approval of their department head or the Village Fiscal Officer, or in the absence of both, the Mayor. Approval for sick leave must be requested by the employee at the earliest reasonable moment and should be done in non-emergency situations, before the work day to which leave is granted. For any sick leave over and above three consecutive work days, a physician’s certificate must be filed with the Village Fiscal Officer substantiating the reason for the sick leave.
      (6)   Borrowing upon future sick leave will not be allowed for any qualified employees, unless approved by Council first for “good cause” shown. To provide “good cause”, a signed statement of “good cause” from a licensed physician is essential, but not necessarily sufficient.
      (7)   Unused sick leave for a qualified employee cannot be transferred to a new source of employment for such qualified employee, from the standpoint of the Village. Unused sick leave is not affected by transfers of employment from one job within the Village to another job within the Village.
      (8)   Qualified employees beginning employment with the Village who are leaving another public sector job may transfer in unused sick leave days up to the limits specified under subsection (c)(2) hereof, at the time they take on employment with the Village. However, should the qualified employee leave Village employment prior to being with the Village for a period of one year, the transfer in of sick leave benefits shall be void for purposes of payout and/our outward transfer.
         (Ord. 2004-04. Passed 2-5-04.)
   (d)   Holidays.
      (1)   Paid holidays, if they fall during the regular work-week of a qualified employee, shall be awarded for the following days:
         A.   New Year’s Day;
         B.   Martin Luther King Day;
         C.   President’s Day;
         D.   Memorial Day;
         E.   Juneteenth;
         F.   Independence Day;
         G.   Labor Day;
         H.   Veteran’s Day;
         I.   Thanksgiving Day;
         J.   Friday after Thanksgiving Day;
         K.   Christmas Eve;
         L.   Christmas Day;
      (2)   If any of such holidays fall on a Saturday, the paid holiday shall be celebrated on the Friday before the Saturday for fringe benefit purposes, and if any of the holidays fall on a Sunday, the paid holiday shall be celebrated on the Monday following the Sunday for fringe benefit purposes.
         (Ord. 2023-18. Passed 11-1-23.)
   (e)   Hospitalization. Paid hospitalization insurance shall be available to any qualified employee who requests such benefits from the Village. Council shall determine on an annual or other convenient term basis which group employee hospitalization insurance contract is best suited for the needs of qualified employees and/or the Village in order that these benefits may be made available to qualified employees. In accordance with subsection (a)(1)D. of this Section 151.03, if Council has determined that qualified employees must pay for part of their own hospitalization insurance, then the Fiscal Officer is authorized to and shall deduct the qualified employees share of the premium/costs from the qualified employee’s pay checks as necessary for purposes of paying the hospitalization insurance.
   For full-time employees who do not request and waive paid hospitalization insurance benefits, they shall be paid additional wage compensation in the sum of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per hour. This will be paid based on the normal payroll practice and will be subject to all applicable withholdings. This waiver of paid hospitalization insurance benefits will only be made by an employee that is on another health policy. Proof of this separate coverage will be required by the employee prior to their waiver. Should an employee waive paid hospitalization insurance benefits and then later need the Village’s paid hospitalization insurance benefits, their hourly wage will be decreased by two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per hour, since they will no longer be waiving the Village’s paid hospitalizaiton insurance benefits.
(Ord. 2022-06. Passed 6-2-22.)
   (f)   Retirement Plans. For a qualified employee who desires to be or is a part of the Public Employees Retirement System ("PERS") or the Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund ("P & F"), the Village shall pay the employer share of "PERS" or "P & F" and deduct the qualified employee's share of "PERS" or "P & F" from his paycheck. Nothing in this section or this chapter shall be construed to admit into or prohibit any employee or official (elected or appointed) from participation in ("PERS") or ("P & F"), as this is controlled by State statute and/or regulations. (Ord. 1987-13. Passed 8-5-87.)
   (g)   Termination Benefits. Whenever a qualified employee has served the Village for at least one year from his beginning employment date, and whenever the qualified employee’s service to the Village is terminated, for whatever reason, including death, retirement, discharge, job change, resignation, or otherwise, the termination shall have the following effect on the qualified employee’s benefits:
      (1)   Unused paid vacation time shall be paid to the qualified employee, with no fringe benefits accruing or awarded to the qualified employee during this post-termination theoretical time span, except “PERS” or “P&F” (employer’s share).
      (2)   Unused sick leave time up to 960 hours shall be divided by two and paid to the qualified employee, with no other fringe benefits accruing or awarded to the qualified employee during this post-termination theoretical time span, except “PERS” or “P&F” (employer’s share). The theoretical time span mentioned in this subsection shall be theoretically separate and apart from the theoretical time span mentioned in subsection (g)(1).
      (3)   Paid holiday benefits shall terminate on a qualified employee’s termination date, irrespective of the theoretical time span mentioned in subsection (g)(1) and (2).
      (4)   The employer’s share of “PERS” or “P&F” benefits shall terminate on a qualified employee’s termination date, except that which must be paid as a result of subsection (g)(1) and (2).
         (Ord. 2004-06. Passed 2-5-04.)
   (h)   Deductions.
      (1)   While not directly a monetary "fringe benefit", the following may be deducted from a qualified employee's paycheck, by the Village Clerk, as a service to the qualified employee:
         A.   Employee's share of "PERS" or "P & F."
         B.   State withholding tax.
         C.   Federal withholding tax.
         D.   Village of Lewisburg withholding tax.
         E.   Employee's accident or disability insurance premiums.
         F.   Municipal Manager - water/sewer/trash bills.
         G.   Child support payments pursuant to Court Orders.
         H.   Other items that Council may from time to time allow.
      (2)   Any amounts to be deducted from any employee's pay shall be so stated in writing requesting such deduction, unless otherwise required by local, state or federal statute.
         (Ord. 1987-13. Passed 8-5-87.)
   (i)   Construction.
      (1)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impliedly govern the rights or obligations of part-time employees or elected officials, unless specifically mentioned in this chapter.
      (2)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to eliminate “fringe benefits” that present qualified employees have accrued at this time, except that the 960 hours limits on unused sick leave upon termination shall not be violated by any construction of this chapter.
         (Ord. 2004-07. Passed 2-5-04.)