(a) Placing and Maintenance of Containers. No garbage or refuse shall be collected by any authorized agency or person unless it is placed and maintained as designated in Section 951.02
. The containers shall be placed in an alley or other convenient place for trucking, on the days specified as follows:
(1) For all customers south of and including Harrison Street, on Thursdays.
(2) For all customers North of Harrison Street, on Tuesdays.
(3) Holidays and emergencies such as major snow falls may alter the above schedule, with collection being moved forward or backward to the nearest reasonable weekday.
(4) Commercial establishments will be collected according to the schedule contained in Section 951.05(a), based on dumpster size (if used) or type of commercial establishment if dumpsters are not used and on number of collections per week and volume collected as determined by the Service Supervisor. Upon approval of the Service Supervisor, commercial only establishments at the same location and leasing from one landlord may pool their garbage and refuse into a dumpster format, with the landlord being billed at a dumpster rate.
(b) Individual Disposal. The disposal of garbage and refuse in any quantity by any individual householder or establishment in any place, private or public, within the Village limits or within 5,280 road-feet outside of the Village limits is prohibited.
(c) Transportation. Transportation of garbage, refuse, etc., by other than Village employees in the performance of their duties shall be only by permit issued by Council after submission of a certificate of compliance issued by the County Health Department.
(Ord. 1992-2. Passed 2-25-92.)