(A)   Dedication or reservation.  Where sites for parks, schools, playgrounds or other public uses are located within the subdivision area as shown in the comprehensive plan, the Plan Commission may request their dedication for that purposes, or their reservation for a period of two years following the date of the final approval of the plat. In the event a government agency concerned passes a resolution expressing its intent to acquire the land so reserved, the reservation period shall be extended for an additional six months.
   (B)   Open space.  Residential subdivisions shall include provisions for common open space which shall be accessible to all residents in the development by means of walking, hiking, biking or automobile.
      (1)   The minimum amount of common open space as a percentage of net land area shall be in accordance with Table 8.5: Percentage Open Space Required (Residential).
Table 8.5: Percentage Open Space Required (Residential)
Zoning District
Percentage Usable Open Space Required
      (2)   The least dimension of any required open space shall be 150 feet. A public way crosswalk or easement of not less than 15 feet in width shall be provided for access to the required open space.
      (3)   Retention ponds and land designated as floodplain may count towards up to 35% of required “open space” if it is designated as common area and visually and physically accessible to all owners of the common area.
      (4)   The required open space stated above is in addition to any required landscaping. Parking areas do not count toward open space.
   (C)   Community structure.  In developments with greater than 300 dwelling units, the development plan shall include provisions for a civic or community building (clubhouse) which will be available to all property owners within the development. Any civic or community building shall have a ground floor area of no less than 2,000 square feet and comply with the same architectural guidelines and covenants which are applicable to the residences proposed for the development. At the discretion of the Commission, the area may be permanently dedicated to the city, or if suitably protected by covenants, to a private land owner’s association. Playgrounds or public school sites within the boundaries of the proposed subdivision shall be deemed to meet the community open space requirements.
   (D)   Public safety.  In developments with greater than 300 dwelling units, the petitioner/developer shall submit the development plan to the City Fire Department for review to determine if the plan shall include provisions to preserve land for future fire structures. If the Board of Public Works determines a need exists for land based on the recommendations of the City Fire Department, the Plan Commission may require, the petitioner to include in the plans of the development, the reserved land areas up to two acres. At the time as that land is platted, the developer shall include the land in the plat and deed the land to the city within 60 days thereafter, or upon taking title to the land.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007)