(A) Intent of the district. The purpose of the Thoroughfare Overlay District is:
(1) To promote coordinated, quality development for all development sites, buildings, structures abutting designated major thoroughfares within the city;
(2) To establish basic standards which promote high quality, innovative site design and at the same time encourage efficient land use; and
(3) To encourage capital investments for the development of adjacent properties.
(B) District boundaries. The boundaries of the Thoroughfare Overlay District are hereby established as shown on the official zoning map for the city. The boundaries extend 400 feet from the centerline of the designated thoroughfare. Designated thoroughfares include State Road 32, State Road 39, Indianapolis Avenue and Lafayette Avenue.
(C) Applicability. All new development and any existing lots, structures or buildings proposing an expansion of the lot, structure or building by 30% or more of the existing.
(D) Interpretation. The Thoroughfare Overlay District regulations apply in addition to the underlying zoning district regulations. In the case that this Overlay District overlaps other Overlay Districts, or where conflicting regulations occur, the following shall apply.
(1) The regulations of the Downtown Overlay District shall supercede the regulations of the Thoroughfare Overlay District. The Thoroughfare Overlay District shall supercede the regulations of the Interstate Overlay District. Where no special regulations are included within a specific Overlay District, the regulations of the underlying Overlay District shall apply, or in the case of no underlying Overlay District, the regulations of the underlying zoning district shall apply.
(2) In the case of conflicting regulations between the Thoroughfare Overlay District regulations of this section and other regulations in this ordinance, the hierarchy detailed in subsection (D)(1) above shall determine which regulations control.
(E) Plan Commission approval.
(1) A development plan is required for all proposed development in the Thoroughfare Overlay District per § 9.17. Individual single- or two-family lots are not subject to the requirements of the Overlay District and only require development plan approval by the Plan Commission when they are part of a major subdivision.
(2) If any portion of the parcel/tract/lot lies in the Overlay District, the entire parcel/tract/lot is considered to be in the Overlay District.
(F) Permitted uses. All uses which are permitted in a given site’s underlying zoning district except those expressly excluded in subsection (H) below, are permitted in the Thoroughfare Overlay District.
(G) Permitted conditional uses. All conditional uses which are permitted (upon obtaining a conditional use approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals) in the underlying zoning district(s), except the uses expressly excluded in subsection (H) below, are permitted in the Thoroughfare Overlay District.
(H) (1) Conditional uses.
(a) Used motor vehicle sales;
(b) Drive through establishments (drive through windows may be permitted as accessory uses, subject to the provisions of this section);
(c) Farm equipment sales and service (not fully enclosed);
(d) Heliport;
(e) Highway maintenance garage;
(f) Wholesale/warehousing/industrial services not contained entirely within buildings;
(g) Outdoor storage;
(h) Car washes (self-service only); and
(i) Auto repair.
(2) Prohibited uses.
(a) Airport;
(b) Radio or television transmission tower;
(c) Boat or marine equipment sales and service;
(d) Penal or correctional institution;
(e) Sanitary fill;
(f) Sewage treatment or disposal plant;
(g) Junk yard, salvage yard operation;
(h) Raising of non-farm fowl and animals, commercially (except kennel);
(i) Mini warehouses/self storage;
(j) Signs greater than 100 square feet in sign area, except as noted elsewhere in this ordinance;
(k) Adult uses;
(l) Body art studio; and
(m) Used motor vehicle sales.
(I) Vehicular access. Refer to § 7.18 for vehicular access requirements.
(J) Accessory buildings and uses. All accessory buildings and uses which are permitted in the underlying zoning district(s) shall be permitted, except that any detached accessory building shall be architecturally compatible with the principal building(s) with which it is associated.
(1) Site layout shall consider the relationship between all buildings on site. Building entries shall generally be oriented towards the adjacent streets.
(2) Pedestrian access on all public and private streets shall be provided at the time of initial development.
(3) Pedestrian connectivity between uses shall be included.
(4) Internal drive aisles that connect multiple lots shall be used to minimize points of access for safe vehicular circulation.
(5) The orientation and access of outlots shall be considered and illustrated on the plan.
(6) Where parcels can be accessed via connection to a secondary arterial, collector or adjoining parking lot, curb cuts shall not be established on primary arterials within the Thoroughfare Overlay District.
(L) Nonresidential uses (CB, NB, PBC, PBO, PBI, ID and IN).
(1) Parking. In addition to the standards contained in § 7.5 the following shall apply:
(a) Off-street parking between the street and the front facade of the structure shall not exceed 50% of the required parking.
(1) Parking which exceeds 50% of the required parking and is located in the front yard and is visible from the public right-of-way shall require an increase in the required parking lot interior landscaping standards by 10%.
(2) Parking located between the street and the front facade shall not be allowed within the required front yard or within the required corridor buffer.
(b) Pedestrian areas in parking lots shall be demarcated with special paving, color, height or striping for increased safety.
(c) Shared parking may be utilized in accordance with § 7.5.
(2) Architectural standards.
(a) Building materials.
(1) Metal building construction and post building construction (also known as pre-engineered building systems) shall not be permitted.
(2) Structures located in the Overlay Districts shall be constructed using a minimum of 50% masonry as described below.
a. Masonry construction may consist of brick, granite, sandstone, slate, limestone, marble or other hard and durable all weather stone. Ashlar, cut stone and dimension stone construction techniques are acceptable.
b. Brick material used for masonry construction shall be composed of hard fired all-weather standard size brick or other all-weather facing brick.
(3) The use of smooth-faced concrete block, untextured smoothfaced tilt-up panels and standing seam metal panels shall be prohibited. The Administrator shall approve or deny the use of all composite and alternative materials that replicate the appearance and durability of those listed below. All facade wall exterior building materials shall be high quality, and shall be limited to any combination of the following:
a. Brick or face tile;
b. Wood;
c. Native stone;
d. Glass (reflective glass shall be limited to a maximum of 50% of the area of any facade wall on which glass is used);
e. Tinted and/or textured concrete masonry units (such as split-face block and burnished block);
f. Architectural precast concrete or tilt-up concrete panels that are textured using the following techniques: exposed aggregate, bush-hammered, sand blasted or other concrete finish as approved by the Plan Commission or designee;
g. Architectural metal, limited to a maximum of 50% of the area of any facade wall on which architectural metal is used;
h. Exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS); and
i. Fiber cement board, nine-inch lap.
(b) Facade detail. Facade detail elements such as color, lighting, display windows and roof design shall meet the requirements of § 7.18.
(c) Minimum height. Buildings in the Overlay District shall have a minimum height of 20 feet.
(d) Building orientation. All structures shall be sited to front on public ways or give the appearance of a front-like facade on public ways. The main entrance of the structure must face the street and be clearly articulated through the use of architectural detailing. Where there are two street frontages the entrance on the thoroughfare of highest classification shall be the main entrance.
(3) Landscaping.
(a) Coordination. The landscaping is intended to visually tie an entire development together, define entryways and vehicular and pedestrian circulation, buffer dissimilar uses and to mitigate the effect of heat build up on dark paved surfaces. All landscape requirements of the underlying zoning district shall apply.
(b) Live material. Areas required to be landscaped shall be covered in live material such as trees, shrubs, ground cover and sod. Areas not required by this ordinance may be covered by woody mulch, rock mulch or other natural materials other than exposed gravel and aggregate rock.
(c) Corridor buffer. A corridor buffer of minimum 20 feet in width shall be established. The incorporation of walkways and bikeways into the design is encouraged. Parking lots, through roads, frontage roads, drive aisles, buildings and accessory structures and the like shall not be established within this area.
(d) Lot plantings. Plantings shall be included on a lot on all sides of a building or structure. Plantings for nonresidential uses shall constitute 75% of the building’s perimeter excluding entryways and service bays. The minimum average width of the planting area shall be five feet. Landscaping materials used adjacent to buildings shall include shrubs, ground cover and ornamental grasses in addition to turf. Trees are encourage in larger planting spaces.
(e) Street trees. Street trees shall be planted parallel to the street either within street right-of-way or within ten feet outside of right-of-way, except as noted in § 6.3. The tree species shall be selected from Table 7.11: Trees for Planting on Streets, Highways and Parking Lots (generally with high canopies, shade producing, hardy) or Table 7.12: Trees for Planting on Streets and Highways that Minimize Conflict With Overhead Utilities. Spacing shall be determined by tree type with a maximum spacing of 40 feet on center. Street trees shall be seedless hardwood shade/canopy trees. Species should be selected based upon hardiness, durability, root systems that do not damage sidewalks, and leaf and fruit litter that will not clog storm drains.
(f) Landscape buffer/screening. Requirements for buffer/screening can be found in § 7.8.
(g) Sign landscaping. Requirements for landscaping around the base of signs can be found in § 7.8.
(4) Trash collection. Trash, garbage, grease and recycling collection areas shall be enclosed and screened on all sides with a minimum six foot tall opaque wall constructed of materials which are architecturally compatible with the design of the principal building(s). Gates shall be used on the unit’s side and shall be functional. Trash collection and recycling areas shall be integral to the building or located in the rear of the site.
(5) Pedestrian facilities.
(a) Sidewalks shall be provided along the frontage adjacent to a public or private street. The sidewalk shall be a minimum of six feet wide.
(b) Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of the major access drive and one side of a secondary access drive.
(c) A continuous, delineated pedestrian pathway network no less than six feet wide, that continues from the perimeter public sidewalk to the principal customer entrance of all principal buildings on the site shall be provided.
(d) Sidewalks, no less than eight feet wide, must be provided along the full length of the building along any facade that features a customer entrance.
(e) All pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of special pavers, bricks or scored concrete.
(6) Lighting.
(a) Design. All light standards, building-mounted lights, security lights and other architectural lights shall be of compatible design and materials.
(b) Height. Freestanding and wall-mounted outdoor light fixtures used to illuminate a surface parking or service area shall utilize full cutoff fixtures. The Plan Commission may approve cutoff, semi-cutoff or other decorative lighting should it be more appropriate to the overall site design.
(c) Gas stations. Refer to § 7.15.
(d) Intensity/light trespass. Lighting levels shall not exceed three-tenths foot candles at the property line abutting a residential use or district. Light levels shall not exceed five-tenths foot candles of light at the property line adjacent to a nonresidential district. Light levels shall not exceed six-tenths at property lines adjacent to street right-of-way.
(7) Signs. Signs for each proposed use shall be in conformance with the requirements of § 7.7 of this ordinance and compatible in character as to color and architectural design with the structures located on the site.
(8) Drive-through windows. Drive-through windows:
(a) Shall be designed as a related, integrated architectural element and part of the overall design composition of the building;
(b) Shall confine stacking to the rear of the tract or parcel with outlet from those lines also being to the rear or side of the building; and
(c) Shall not permit spill onto adjoining properties, public rights-of-way or interior/internal drives.
(9) Loading berths. Loading berths shall be permitted per the needs of business establishments and shall be identified on the development plan. Loading berths and overhead doors shall face to the rear of all buildings. Should a loading berth be located adjacent to or visible from a public right-of-way or established on the side of a building through any circumstance, it shall be screened from view with an opaque wall constructed of materials which are architecturally compatible with the design of the principal building(s).
(10) Screening.
(a) All roof top equipment shall be enclosed in building material that matches the structure or is visually compatible with the structure.
(b) All building mechanical and electrical equipment located adjacent to the building and visible from a public thoroughfare or residential use shall be screened from view by means of walls, landscaping, camouflage or other approved method. All screening shall be architecturally compatible with the principal structure.
(c) Sound attenuation to mechanical equipment is also encouraged.
(M) Change in land use. Any change in land use permitted by Chapter 4 of this unified development ordinance on existing lots located in the boundaries of the Thoroughfare Overlay District as defined above is subject to the provisions herein.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007; Ord. 2008-04, passed 6-23-2008; Ord. 2009-04, passed 4-13-2009; Ord. 2014-06, passed 4-28-2014; Ord. 2015-08, passed 5-26-2015)
Accessory uses, see Title XV, § 7.10
Drive-through stacking requirements, see Title XV, § 7.5
Exterior lighting standards, see Title XV, § 7.15
Landscaping for parking lot interior landscaping, see Title XV, § 7.8
Editor’s note:
See also the City Plan Commission Rules of Procedure.
The Center Township thoroughfare plan is available at the City Planning and Building Department.
(A) Intention of the district. The purpose of the Interstate Overlay District is:
(1) To promote coordinated, quality development;
(2) To establish basic standards for structures, landscaping and other improvements on the properties within the Interstate Overlay District which promote high quality, innovative site design and at the same time encourage efficient land usage; and
(3) To establish development standards which will encourage capital investments for the development of those properties along and abutting Interstate 65 (I-65) within the city.
(B) District boundaries. The boundaries of the Interstate Overlay District are hereby established as shown on the official zoning map for the city. The boundaries extend 400 feet outside of and parallel to the outermost right-of-way of I-65.
(C) Interpretation. Properties that are situated within the Interstate Overlay District are subject to the same requirements as § 6.1 of this ordinance, except where noted in this section. In the case that this Overlay District overlaps other Overlay Districts, or where conflicting regulations occur, the following shall apply.
(1) The regulations of the Downtown Overlay District shall supercede the regulations of the Thoroughfare Overlay District. The Thoroughfare Overlay District shall supercede the regulations of the Interstate Overlay District. Where no special regulations are included within a specific Overlay District, the regulations of the underlying Overlay District shall apply, or in the case of no underlying Overlay District, the regulations of the underlying zoning district shall apply.
(2) In the case of conflicting regulations between the Interstate Overlay District regulations of this section and other regulations in this ordinance, the hierarchy detailed in subsection (C)(1) above shall determine which regulations control.
(D) Permitted uses. All uses which are permitted in the underlying zoning district are permitted, except those expressly prohibited in § 6.1. As an exception, pole/ground signs in excess of 100 square feet in sign area and mini-warehouses/self storage facilities are permitted in the Interstate Overlay District.
(E) Interstate corridor buffer. Properties abutting I-65 shall provide a minimum 30 foot width landscape buffer on the lot frontage adjacent to the interstate. The buffer shall contain Type B buffer plantings from Table 7.9: Landscape Buffer Types. This buffer is in addition to other required landscaping and setback yards.
(F) Building orientation. All structures shall give the appearance of a front-like facade along the interstate. However, where the building is sited so that the front faces the interstate, a front-like facade must be maintained along other public rights-of-way within the city.
(G) Trash collection. Trash collection and recycling areas shall not be visible from the interstate and shall be screened in accordance with § 7.8.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007; Ord. 2008-04, passed 6-23-2008)