All properties, with the exception of those in the Commercial Core of the Central Business District (CB), shall maintain a clear area (the “sight visibility triangle”) at every intersection of an adjoining street with other streets and entrance drives.
(A) Clearance. The sight visibility triangle shall be free of structures, vegetation, signs (other than street signs) and other opaque or partially opaque objects between a height of three feet and eight feet as measured from the nearest top-of-curb (or edge of pavement where curbs are not present).
(B) Dimensions. The triangle is determined by a diagonal line connecting two points measured 25 feet from the intersection of the projected rights-of-way lines. In cases where the edge of pavement is coincidental with the right-of-way, the points shall be measured 35 feet from the intersection of the edges of pavement.
(C) Public signs and signals. The above provisions shall not apply to official warning signs or signals necessary to the public safety.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007)