7.1 Application
7.2 Sight visibility triangle
7.3 Height standards
7.4 Lot standards
7.5 Parking standards
7.6 Loading standards
7.7 Sign regulations
7.8 Landscaping
7.9 Environmental standards
7.10 Accessory uses and structures
7.11 Temporary uses
7.12 Home occupation standards
7.13 Outdoor sales, display and storage
7.14 Fence and wall standards
7.15 Exterior lighting standards
7.16 Telecommunications facilities
7.17 Adult businesses standards
7.18 Design standards
7.19 Manufactured home parks standards
7.20 Single-family to multifamily conversion standards
7.21 Specific use standards
7.22 Infill development standards
(A) Applicability. All structures, land uses, land use changes, structural alterations, structural relocations, structural additions and structural enlargements that are constructed, created, established or occur after the effective date of this ordinance (except as may otherwise be provided within this ordinance) shall be subject to all development standards and regulations applicable to the zoning district in which they are located. All projects approved prior to the effective date of this ordinance shall adhere to the terms and conditions of approval and/or written commitments made under the zoning ordinance that was in place at the time of filing.
(B) Expansion or modification of existing uses and structures. No structure, parking area or other site feature regulated by this ordinance shall be enlarged, altered or expanded unless the minimum improvements required by this article are provided on the property in a manner equal to the extent of its alteration or expansion.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007)
All properties, with the exception of those in the Commercial Core of the Central Business District (CB), shall maintain a clear area (the “sight visibility triangle”) at every intersection of an adjoining street with other streets and entrance drives.
(A) Clearance. The sight visibility triangle shall be free of structures, vegetation, signs (other than street signs) and other opaque or partially opaque objects between a height of three feet and eight feet as measured from the nearest top-of-curb (or edge of pavement where curbs are not present).
(B) Dimensions. The triangle is determined by a diagonal line connecting two points measured 25 feet from the intersection of the projected rights-of-way lines. In cases where the edge of pavement is coincidental with the right-of-way, the points shall be measured 35 feet from the intersection of the edges of pavement.
(C) Public signs and signals. The above provisions shall not apply to official warning signs or signals necessary to the public safety.

(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007)
(A) Height requirements. The maximum height permitted shall be as described in Table 4.2: Residential Districts Lot Standards, subject to the exceptions listed in this section.
(1) Measuring height. In all instances, the height of a structure shall be measured from adjacent grade level to the highest point of the structure, excluding the necessary appurtenances such as chimneys, church spires, steeples, clock or bell towers, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, penthouses, stacks, tanks, water towers, transmission towers or essential mechanical equipment not prohibited by other laws or further provisions of this ordinance.
(2) Additional residential limitations. No accessory structure located in a residential zoning district may exceed the height of the principal structure on the property.

Height Illustration
(B) Height exceptions. No structure may be erected or changed so as to make its height greater than specified in the applicable zoning district, except as noted below. For the purposes of this section, the height of church steeples, chimneys and other structures which are attached or otherwise a part of another structure shall be measured from grade level.
(1) General exceptions. The following structures may exceed the permitted height regulations by twofold (x 2):
(a) Church steeples;
(b) Spires, belfries and cupolas; and
(c) Industrial related storage tanks, mechanical equipment and smokestacks.
(2) Height of residential structures. In the districts limiting the height of single-family residential structures to 35 feet, a dwelling may be increased in height not to exceed 40 feet provided the required side yards are increased two additional feet for each foot the structure exceeds 35 feet in height.
(3) Telecommunications towers and antenna. The height of telecommunication towers and antenna shall meet the requirements of § 7.16.
(4) Amateur radio towers. Amateur radio towers shall meet the requirements of § 7.10.
(5) Necessary appurtenances. The following structural elements may exceed the permitted height standards for the zoning district in which they are located by up to ten feet:
(a) Necessary mechanical appurtenances;
(b) Utility substations and related essential facilities;
(c) Water tanks;
(d) Chimneys;
(e) Fire towers;
(f) Stair towers;
(g) Stage bulkheads; and
(h) Elevator bulkheads.
(6) Water towers. Water towers may exceed the permitted height standards for the zoning district in which they are located and may be erected to a maximum height of 200 feet.
(C) FAA requirements. Nothing in this ordinance, including the exceptions listed above shall be interpreted as waiving any height regulations related to air travel. All applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) restrictions and regulations shall apply to all structures.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007)
(A) Required setbacks.
(1) Minimums. Minimum required setbacks shall be as set forth in each district Table 4.2: Residential Districts Lot Standards and Table 4.3: Nonresidential Districts Lot Standards. The required setback shall be measured from the existing right-of-way or the proposed right-of-way as set forth in the Center Township thoroughfare plan, whichever is greater.
(2) Through lots. Any lot having a frontage on two approximately parallel streets or abutting more than one street, shall be considered to have two or more front yards and shall conform to the minimum setbacks as specified for each district in Chapter 4.
(3) Corner lots. Any lot having a frontage on two approximately perpendicular streets shall be considered to have two or more front yards.
(4) Alley abutting rear or side yard. Principal structures shall be set back as specified in Chapter 4. Accessory structures on the rear or side of a lot abutting an alley shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the right-of-way (not the edge of pavement).
(5) Obstruction. Minimum required yards or building setback distances shall be unobstructed and open to the sky, except for customary projections and signs, in accordance with Chapter 4 of this ordinance.
(B) Permitted encroachments in required yards. No structure or part thereof shall encroach upon any required yard. However, the following shall not be considered encroachments when located within the required yards except in areas required for vision clearance at intersections.
(1) Permitted encroachments in required front yards.
(a) An eave, cornice, overhang, awning, porch, balcony or bay window not exceeding four feet; provided, however, that in no event shall the encroachment protrude closer than 20 feet to a front lot line. However, in the Central Business (CB) District, these encroachments may be permitted subject to the standards of the Downtown Overlay District, provided they do not interfere with intersection visibility as set for in § 7.2 or with the Board of Public Works and Safety requirements for sidewalk clearance;
(b) The ordinary projection of belt courses, sills, lintels, chimneys and other similar ornamental and architectural features not exceeding two feet;
(c) Unenclosed, uncovered steps, entrance platforms, terraces or landings not over 18 inches above grade level and not to project a distance in excess of ten feet;
(d) Accessory uses such as public utility installations, walks, driveways, curbs, mail boxes, name plates, lamp posts, bird baths and structures of a like nature in any required front, side or rear yard;
(e) Fences that are at least 50% open, walls and hedges not to exceed 42 inches in height; and
(f) Plants including trees, shrubs and perennials.
(2) Permitted encroachments in required side and rear yards.
(a) An eave, cornice overhang, awning, canopy or balcony not exceeding four feet; provided, however, that the encroachment shall not protrude closer than 50% of the required distance to any side or rear lot line;
(b) The ordinary projection of belt courses, sills, lintels, chimneys and other similar ornamental and architectural features not exceeding two feet; provided, however, that the encroachment shall not protrude closer than 50% of the required distance to the rear lot line;
(c) Unenclosed, uncovered steps, entrance platforms, terraces or landings not over 18 inches above grade level and shall not encroach more than 50% into the yard;
(d) Accessory uses such as public utility installations, walks, driveways, curbs, retaining walls, mail boxes, name plates, lamp posts, bird baths and structures of a like nature;
(e) Fences, latticework, screens, hedges or walls not more than six feet in height;
(f) Plants including trees, shrubs and perennials;
(g) Open, off-street parking spaces, according to the provisions set forth in § 7.5; and
(h) Balconies, breezeways and open porches and decks; provided, however, that the encroachment shall not protrude closer than 50% of the required distance to the side and rear lot line.
(3) Agricultural use. Nothing contained in this subsection shall be deemed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of an open fence in connection with an agricultural use.
(4) Setback distance exceptions. Any yard or setback line so placed or oriented that none of the specific terms in this ordinance are applicable shall necessitate a determination by the Planning and Zoning Administrator of suitable dimensions generally required for a similar situation in the zoning district.
(C) Placement of structures.
(1) Lot access and frontage. Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be located on a lot with frontage and access on a public street; or with frontage and access to an approved private street and all buildings shall be so located on lots as to provide for safe and convenient access, fire protection and required off-street parking.
(2) Lot dimensions. Every building hereafter erected shall be located on a lot which meets the minimum zoning requirements for the district in which it is located unless otherwise specified for planned unit developments or as specified in Chapter 6.
(3) Relocation of structures. No buildings or structures shall be moved from one lot or premises to another unless the building shall thereupon conform to all the regulations of the zoning district to which the building shall be moved.
(4) One principal building per lot. In no case shall there be more than one principal structure and associated accessory structure located on one lot; except that principal structures designated and platted as a single unit under single ownership and control, such as multifamily developments, shopping centers and combined industrial operations may be permitted on one lot in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
(5) Placing structures over utility easements. No building or structure shall be placed or erected over utility easements, except for lot line fences which shall be subject to the paramount right of the utility or municipality to install, repair, maintain or replace its installation.
(D) Exceptions to district requirements.
(1) Infill development; front setback. The front setback shall be as required in Table 4.2: Residential Districts Lot Standards and Table 4.3: Nonresidential Districts Lot Standards. Except in areas where 50% or more of the lots in a block are developed, the average of the existing front setbacks of structures for 150 feet on either side may be used as the minimum front setback.
(2) No part of a required setback (yard), open space, off-street parking, loading space or bufferyard shall be included as part of a required yard, open space or off-street parking or loading space similarly required for any other building, unless specified elsewhere in this ordinance.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007)
Statutory reference:
Condominium property law, see I.C. 32-25
(A) Intent. The regulations of this section are designed to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public streets by establishing minimum requirements for off-street parking of motor vehicles, in accordance with the use on the property as specified in Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards.
(B) General provisions.
(1) Parking spaces shall be located on the lot with the uses for which they are required. Exceptions are for off-site and shared parking.
(2) When the requirement spaces for an unspecified use is unclear, the number of parking spaces shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator on the basis of similar requirement, the number of persons served or employed, and the capability of adequately serving the visiting public. This determination may be appealed to the Plan Commission. A variance request from the requirement can be heard by the BZA, § 2.4.
(3) When the intensity of use of any building, structure or premises shall be expanded through the addition of dwelling units, floor area, beds, seating capacity or other unit of measurement, parking and loading facilities shall be provided for the increase in intensity of use.
(4) Whenever the existing use of a building, structure or premises shall hereafter be changed or converted to a new use permitted by this ordinance, parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required for the new use.
(C) Layout and design.
(1) All off-street parking areas shall be constructed using a paved surface of concrete, asphalt, brick pavers, approved pervious concrete or pavers or the like. Single- and two-family dwellings in the SF, Single-Family District, on a minimum two acre parcel, and agricultural uses shall be permitted parking areas of gravel. All parking areas shall be clearly painted to show each parking space.
(2) All required parking spaces shall be designed to provide direct access for vehicles. In no case may parking areas which do not have direct access be considered a parking space meeting the requirement of this ordinance. Except in all single-family districts (SF, SF1, SF2, SF3, TR) and the Central Business District (CB), if a parked vehicle prevents direct access to a required parking space (double-stacked), it shall not be considered, nor count toward the required minimum parking.
(3) All parking areas for nonresidential uses shall be completely curbed. Complete curbing may not be required if, innovative drainage techniques or stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are
employed, and in the written opinion of Lebanon Utilities, the drainage system for the property and surrounding environment shall be best served if curbs were not present. Curbing must meet the general parking requirements of § 7.8(J)(1).

A Swale Situated Between Two Parking Lot Edges with Curb Cuts to Allow Natural Water Filtration
(4) Individual spaces shall be designed so that no part of the parked vehicle will extend beyond the boundary of the established parking area into any minimum required yard or onto adjoining property.
(5) Parking spaces are unobstructed and have access to an aisle or driveway so that any automobile may be moved without moving another, and so that no maneuvering directly incidental to entering or leaving a parking space shall be on any public right-of-way or walkway.
(6) Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building. In any instance, when a building is constructed or used for parking facilities on the lot, the building shall be treated as any major structure and subject to all requirements thereof.
(7) Parking areas may be provided with a one story shelter building or guard building which shall not exceed 100 square feet of gross floor area and shall conform to all the structural requirements of the district.
(8) All parking lots shall be subject to the landscaping and screening requirements for parking lots as set forth in § 7.8.
(9) Any lighting facilities used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be so located, shielded and directed upon the parking area in a manner that they do not reflect or cause glare onto adjacent properties or interfere with street traffic. Refer to § 7.15 for standards.
(10) Trash and recycling dumpsters shall not be located in required parking spaces.
(11) All parking areas shall provide means of pedestrian circulation to the use and between the use and the street.
(12) Parking space size shall be a minimum of 180 square feet and dimensions shall conform to Table 7.1a: Parking Dimensions and Table 7.1b: Parking Dimensions. In no instance shall the overhang of a vehicle be considered as part of the required parking space area.
Angle of Parking | Minimum Parking Space Size | Minimum Aisle Width | |
Width | Length
Angle of Parking | Minimum Parking Space Size | Minimum Aisle Width | |
Width | Length
| ||
Parallel | 8 feet | 22 feet | on-street |
90 Degree* | 9 feet | 20 feet | 24 feet |
60 Degree | 9 feet | 20 feet | 18 feet (for one way) |
45 Degree | 9 feet | 20 feet | 14 feet (for one way) |
Disabled | (refer to ADA guidelines) | ||
* Recommended size 10 feet by 20 feet | |||

Upper left: Double-loaded parking
Bottom left: Diagonal parking
(13) All parking spaces shall be provided with adequate maneuvering space into which vehicles can back for the purpose of exiting the parking space.
(D) Entrance and drive standards.
(1) Driveway entrances or exits at the right-of-way line shall be no closer than 25 feet to an adjoining residential property line or ten feet to an adjoining nonresidential property line.
(2) No driveway with two-way traffic at the right-of-way shall exceed a width of 30 feet with the exception of a boulevard entrance with two one-way drives with a median divider. The minimum width of each drive shall be as specified in the thoroughfare plan.
(E) Parking spaces accessible to the disabled. In conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, accessible parking shall be provided for all developments per this ordinance and any further requirements hereafter adopted by federal, state or local law.
(1) Required spaces. Accessible parking spaces shall be provided at a rate listed in Table 7.2: Parking Spaces Accessible to the Disabled. Accessible spaces shall count towards the required total number of parking spaces.
(2) Design and layout of accessible parking lots. Access aisles and accessible routes for the mobility impaired shall be provided pursuant to ADA requirements, as amended. Accessible spaces must be a minimum of eight-feet wide with a five foot access aisle. One of every eight spaces, however, must have an access aisle of eight-feet wide and be designated “van accessible.”
(3) Passenger loading zones. Passenger loading zones shall provide an access aisle of a minimum of 20 feet in length, adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull up space. If there are curbs between the access aisle and the vehicle pull up space, then a curb ramp shall be provided.
(4) Signage and marking. All accessible spaces shall be designated by the international access symbol. Van accessible spaces will be labeled by both the international access symbol and an additional sign indicating that the space is accessible for vans. Signs shall be a minimum of five and one-half feet above ground level so as not to be obscured by parked vehicles. The mobility impaired symbol shall also be painted on the ground to the rear of the parking space.
Symbol of International Access

Total Number of Parking Spaces in Lot | Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces Required |
(F) Parking standards by use.
(1) Residential uses. Residential parking standards applicable to the Single-Family Residential, Multifamily Residential and Manufactured Home Park Zoning Districts:
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(1) Generally. Parking spaces for single-family zoning districts shall be provided on the same lot as the dwelling unit for which they are required and shall meet the following standards.
(2) Spaces requirements. A minimum of two off-street paved spaces are required for each dwelling unit.
a. Exception. Parcels two acre or more in area that are not part of a platted subdivision and are being used solely for a single-family dwelling may utilize a gravel driveway for parking, so long as a concrete apron is provided between the street and the right-of-way line.
b. Unenclosed vehicles. A maximum of four operable vehicles owned or leased by the residents are permitted outside in an unenclosed area. Inoperable vehicles are not permitted in the front yard.

A Residential Parking Illustration
(b) Manufactured home park dwellings. Parking spaces for dwellings in the MH zoning district shall be provided on the same site as the dwelling unit for which they are required and shall meet the following standards.
(1) Space requirements.
a. A minimum of two off-street parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit. In addition, parking spaces for management offices, sales facilities, self-service laundries and other accessory uses shall be equal to one-half of the requirements for those uses established in the nonresidential section of this chapter.
b. A maximum of two operable vehicles owned or leased by the residents are permitted outside in an unenclosed area. Inoperable vehicles are not permitted in the front yard.
(2) Access/location standards. Parking areas must be designed to prevent vehicles from having to back into or maneuver in public streets (excluding all alleys and any streets that are internal to the development).
(c) Multifamily dwellings. Parking spaces for dwellings in the Multifamily (MF) Zoning District shall meet the following standards:
(1) Space requirements. Parking shall be required for each dwelling unit (rounded up to the nearest complete space) according to Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards. In addition, parking spaces for management offices, sales facilities, self-service laundries and other accessory uses shall be equal to one-half of the requirements for those uses.
(2) Parking of the disabled. The required spaces shall include parking for the disabled meeting the requirements of subsection (E) above. The minimum number of disabled spaces provided shall either be as specified in the disabled space standards table or equal one space for every handicap- accessible dwelling unit, whichever is greater.
(2) Nonresidential uses. Nonresidential parking standards applicable to the Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Zoning Districts or uses, except where otherwise noted, are as follows.
(a) General standards. Parking spaces shall be located on the lot with the use(s) for which they are required. All parking spaces and interior drives shall meet the following requirements.
(b) Minimum required spaces. The minimum number of parking spaces required per property shall be determined by the sum of spaces required for each applicable use in Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards.
(c) Exceeding the minimum requirements.
(1) A parking lot containing more than 30 or more parking spaces that exceeds the minimum parking space requirements by more than 10% shall also increase the required interior parking lot landscaping for the entire site by 5%.
(2) A 15% increase in required parking may be permitted without restriction and above the set maximum if the developer constructs all additional parking spaces with pervious pavement or employs the use of best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater filtration as approved by the Administrator.
(d) Cross-access requirement. Cross-access easements shall be established when a parcel abuts another parcel similarly zoned to reduce congestion on public streets. The easements shall:
(1) Not be less than 20 feet in width; and
(2) Not exceed 30 feet in width.
(e) Pedestrian considerations. Safe connections shall be provided within parking lots which connect to the on-site businesses. The use of special pavement materials to distinguish between pedestrian and vehicular areas is encouraged, unless required by the zoning or Overlay District.

Parking Lot with a Special Pavement Pedestrian Pathway
(f) Employee and customer parking. Adequate employee and customer off-street parking areas shall be provided, including areas incidental to display, servicing and repair. No parking shall be permitted on driveway approaches, landscaped areas, adjacent alleys or streets, on any public right-of-way or in a manner as to restrict motorists’ visibility.
(g) Use of parking facilities. Off-street parking facilities shall be utilized solely for the parking of passenger automobiles or light trucks of less than one-ton capacity, belonging to patrons, occupants or employees of specified uses. Parking facilities shall not be used for the storage, display, sale, repair, dismantling or wrecking of any vehicle, equipment or material, unless the facilities are enclosed in a building and otherwise permitted in the district.
(h) Advertisements. No business signs or advertisements shall be permitted in parking areas without a permit, except directional and identification signs as permitted in accordance with § 7.7.
(i) Parking facility location. Off-street parking areas including spaces, drive aisles and other maneuvering shall be permitted within the required setback subject to the following conditions and except where noted.
(1) No paved portion of the parking area shall be located within ten feet of the right-of-way in any designated front yard or of a required buffer or planting area.
(2) No paved portions of the parking area shall be located within five feet of any side or rear yard property line nor within a required buffer or planting area.
(j) Buffers and perimeter landscaping. All applicable requirements for buffers and perimeter landscaping shall be met per § 7.8.
(k) Cart corrals. Cart corrals shall be provided for commercial retail businesses over 35,000 square feet. The cart corrals shall not be located in required parking spaces, nor displace required landscape areas.

Cart Corral
(G) Central Business District (CB) and Downtown Overlay District.
(1) In order to accommodate the unique built environment of the downtown, minimum off-street parking standards shall be provided at one-half of those required in Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards.
(2) On-street parking of one space per 22 feet of street frontage may be counted towards required parking. On-street parallel parking shall be allowed.

On-Street, Off-Street and Bicycle Parking in the CB District
(3) Parking spaces accessible to the disabled (whether off-street or on-street) will still be required at a rate of one space per 25 spaces with a minimum of one space.
(4) Required off-street loading and unloading spaces shall not be construed as being part of the required off-street parking spaces.
(5) No part of any alley shall be used to meet the minimum parking requirements of this ordinance.
(H) Drive-through stacking. Drive through establishments shall provide stacking space for the queuing of vehicles awaiting service in accordance with the standards in Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards and the following provisions.
(1) Each stacking space shall be 20-feet long and a minimum of nine-feet wide.
(2) Lane widths should be delineated with pavement markings. However, individual spaces within the lane need not be marked.
(3) Any drive-through use not listed in Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards shall be required to provide at least four stacking spaces per drive-through window.
(4) Stacking spaces shall be in addition to the required parking spaces and must not be located within a required driveway, internal circulation system or parking aisle.
(I) Off-site and shared parking.
(1) Off-site parking. Off-site parking may be allowed on another lot that is within 500 feet of the lot occupied by the use(s) for which it is required.
(2) Shared parking. Two or more uses for which the normal hours of operation do not substantially overlap may share parking either on or off-site (example: a church may share its parking lot with a business, or with apartments located on upper-floors of adjacent businesses). The Planning and Zoning Administrator may grant a maximum 20% reduction in required parking.
(a) Applicability. In order to reduce the total required parking in large mixed-use facilities in which uses operate at different times from one another, the following shared parking schedule may be substituted for required parking ratios in the facilities. However, the total number of parking spaces required per Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards, shall not be reduced by more than 20%.
(b) How to use the schedule of shared parking. Calculate the number of spaces required for each use if it were freestanding (refer to Table 7.4: Schedule of Parking Standards). Applying the applicable general land use category to each proposed site, use the percentages to calculate the number of spaces required for each time period, (six-time periods per use). Add the number of spaces required for all applicable land uses to obtain a total parking requirement for each time period. Select the time period with the highest total parking requirement and use the total as the mixed-use parking requirement.
General Land Use Classifications | Weekdays | Weekends | ||||
Midnight - 7:00 a.m. | 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m. - Midnight | Midnight - 7:00 a.m. | 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m. - Midnight |
General Land Use Classifications | Weekdays | Weekends | ||||
Midnight - 7:00 a.m. | 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m. - Midnight | Midnight - 7:00 a.m. | 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m. - Midnight | |
Cinema/theater | 0% | 70% | 100% | 5% | 70% | 100% |
Hotel | 100% | 65% | 90% | 100% | 65% | 80% |
Office and industrial | 5% | 100% | 5% | 0% | 60% | 10% |
Residential | 100% | 55% | 85% | 100% | 65% | 75% |
Restaurant | 50% | 70% | 100% | 45% | 70% | 100% |
Retail | 0% | 100% | 80% | 0% | 100% | 60% |
(3) Approval requirements. All off-site and shared parking space arrangements are subject to the approval of the Administrator. Approvals shall be based on the determination that the use of off-site and/or shared parking will not provide hardships for pedestrians, will not result in potentiality hazardous traffic conditions and will provide an adequate number of parking spaces for the uses involved. The parking needs of possible future uses of the property shall also be considered by the Administrator.
(4) Required documentation. A permanent documentation of any off-site and/or shared parking agreement must be signed by all involved property owners. The permanent written agreement shall include, but is not limited to, the following items: maintenance; snow removal; ownership; and liability. The agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the Administrator and the City Attorney. A copy of the agreement shall be retained for the files of the Plan Commission. Cross-access easements shall be provided and recorded by each property owner to enable the sharing of parking facilities. Amendments to the agreement shall be subject to Administrator approval and be duly recorded with the County Recorder.
(J) Vehicle storage requirements.
(1) General provisions. No vehicle may be parked or stored on any surface other than a paved driveway or enclosed within a structure.
(2) Unregistered and inoperable vehicles. Unregistered and inoperable vehicles, including recreational, commercial or trailers of any type without current license plates and inspection sticker, or in an inoperable condition so as to be deemed dead storage, shall be prohibited in residential districts, unless located in completely enclosed buildings and shall not be parked or stored in any zoning district unless specifically authorized under the terms of this ordinance.
(3) Vehicle storage. Except on property where a parking lot or parking garage is the permitted principal use, no vehicle, including recreational and commercial vehicles, shall be parked, stored or allowed to remain on a lot or parcel of land that does not contain a principal structure.
(4) Stored vehicles to be salvaged/repaired. The outdoor storage of vehicles associated with permitted auto repair or salvage facilities shall be consistent with the following requirements.
(a) All vehicles, including antique vehicles, shall be stored within the rear or side yard. In no case shall the vehicles be stored in any front yard between the front building facade and the street, or within any buffer yard, required landscape area or required setback area.
(b) All storage areas for those vehicles shall be completely enclosed with an eight-foot tall, opaque wood, stone or masonry fence. Chain link fences may be permitted if supplemented by plant material that forms a continuous landscape screen composed of evergreens and a minimum of six-feet high. Gates allowing access to the storage areas shall be closed when not in use, and shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and 100% opaque.
(5) Recreational vehicle storage. The storage or parking of recreational vehicles (including travel-trailers, boats, snowmobile or motorcycle trailers and the like) in residential zoning districts and associated with residential uses is subject to the following requirements.
(a) A recreational vehicle may be stored on a residential property provided the vehicle is fully enclosed by an opaque fence a minimum of six feet in height.
(b) A recreational vehicle may be parked in the front yard on a residential lot, outside of an enclosed structure only, for a period not to exceed a total of 48 hours in any one-week period.
(c) No more than one recreational vehicles may be parked outdoors on a residential parcel at any one time.
(d) At no time shall a recreational vehicle be occupied or used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purpose.
(e) The Planning and Zoning Administrator may require a land owner to verify that the vehicle is licensed and operational.
(6) Commercial vehicles in residential areas. The storage or parking of a commercial vehicle in residential zoning districts or primarily residential PUDs or commercial districts shall be subject to the following requirements.
(a) The parking of a vehicle shall be limited to one standard size vehicle including cars, SUVs and pick-up trucks.
(b) The vehicle is parked in and fully enclosed in a permitted structure such as garage, accessory building or rear yard and is used by an occupant of the premises.
(c) Large trucks, vehicular machinery, semi-trailers or tractors or similar vehicles are prohibited from parking on local streets and in residential areas.
(d) The regulation shall not be interpreted to apply to commercial vehicles used for conveying the necessary tools and materials to premises where labor, using tools and materials, is to be performed during the time of parking vehicles, or to commercial vehicles in the process of temporarily loading or unloading deliverable goods.
(K) Bicycle parking. All nonresidential uses shall provide one designated bicycle parking area for every 25 vehicle parking spaces required by this ordinance, with a minimum provision for two bicycle spaces. Each bicycle area shall provide adequate facilities for securing the parked bicycles.
Type of Use | Minimum Number of Spaces Required** | Notes |
Agricultural Uses | ||
Customary general farming uses | 2 spaces per dwelling unit | |
Farm equipment sales and service | 1 spaces per 500 square feet of enclosed sales area; plus 1 space per 2,500 square feet of open sales area; plus 1 space per employee | |
Greenhouse or plant nursery | 1 space per 300 square feet of interior sales; plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet for outdoor operations; plus 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Horse stable | 1 space per 4 stalls; plus 1 space per employee | |
Raising of non-farm fowl and animals commercially, except a kennel (animal breeding) | 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Truck garden or produce stand | 4 spaces per stand | |
Institutional Uses | ||
Active park | 1 space per acre; plus 20 spaces per field or court; plus 1 space per 100 square feet of water surface | |
Airport (general aviation) | 1 space for every 5 tie-down or hangar spaces at airport or heliport; plus 1 space per employee; | |
Cemetery | 1 space per employee plus provision of space for parking along internal drives | |
Church or synagogue | 1 space per 4 seats in the largest assembly room | |
Community center | 1 space per 3 persons | |
Day care (adult, child) | 1 space per 4 persons at maximum capacity | |
Facility for development disabled/mentally ill | 1 space per employee; plus 1 space per 3 clients | |
Fire station | 1 space per full-time employee plus 1 space per 3 volunteers on a normal shift plus space to accommodate all vehicles for this use | |
Heliport | 1 space per employee; plus 1 space per passenger | |
Hospital | 2 spaces per bed | |
Jail | 1 space per employee on largest shift plus 1 space per 8 cells | |
Library (public), art gallery or museum | 1 space per 800 square feet | |
Municipal, county or governmental building | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Penal or correctional institution | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus one space per 20 inmates | |
Police | 1 space per 300 square feet, plus 1 space per company vehicle | |
Post office | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area open to the public | |
Public park or outdoor recreational facilities | Spaces equivalent to 1% of the total land area (parking along park roads may be used to fill this requirement); plus additional parking provided for major facilities | |
Radio and television studios | 1 space for each 2 employees | |
Sanitary fill (public or commercial) | 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
School: public, private, parochial or special | ||
Nursery school, kindergarten | 1 space per employee; plus 1 space per 5 attendees | |
K-8 | 2.5 spaces per classroom | |
9-12 | 1 space per 5 students; plus one space per employee | Additional parking may be required during the conditional use approval process |
Trade or business school, college or university | 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area; plus 1 space per employee | |
University/college | 1 space per 3 students | |
Sewage treatment or disposal plant | 1 space per employee on largest shift plus 1 space for each company vehicle | |
Utility service facility (excluding offices) | 1 space per employee on largest shift plus spaces for operational vehicles | |
Utility company business office | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus one space per company vehicle parked on the premises; plus one space per 1,000 square feet of floor area open to the public | |
Veterinary hospital for small animals | 4 spaces per treatment room | No long-term boarding |
Professional Services/Office | ||
Bank and other financial institutions | 1 space per 300 square feet; plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift | |
With drive through | Plus 4 stacking spaces per window | |
With automatic teller machine | No additional spaces provided that drive-through machines be provided with 4 stacking spaces each | |
Medical office - medical, dental clinic or laboratory | 3 spaces per examination chair/table/room depending on use | |
Office - general, financial services, law, insurance, travel, design | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Residential Uses | ||
Accessory apartments | 1 space per dwelling unit | |
Boarding or lodging house, including bed and breakfast (homeowner must live on-premises) | 1 space per guest room; plus 2 for the resident owner or manager | No non-guest dining permitted |
Group home | 1 space per 5 residents; plus 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Nursing home or congregate housing | 1 per 4 beds; plus 1 per employee on largest shift | |
Residential, multifamily | ||
Studio or 1 bedroom | 1.5 spaces per unit | |
2 bedroom | 2 spaces per unit | |
3 bedroom | 2 spaces per unit | |
4 bedroom+ | 2 spaces per unit | |
For every 7 units | 1 additional space | |
Residential, single-family | 2 spaces per dwelling unit | |
Residential, two-family | 2 spaces per dwelling unit | |
Senior housing/assisted living | 0.8 spaces per unit | |
Retail and Services | ||
Adult entertainment | 1 space per 200 square feet (net floor area) | |
Assembly, reception or exhibit hall | 1 space per 4 seats | |
Adult bookstore* | 1 space per 250 square feet | |
Amphitheater | 1 space per 3 seats, plus 1 space for every 25 square feet of open seating area; plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift | |
Antique shop* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Apparel shop/boutique | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Athletic fields | 20 spaces per field or court | |
Automobile, truck or trailer rental | 2 space per employee on the largest shift | |
Automobile and truck repair | 1 space per service bay; plus one space per employee on largest shift | |
Automotive parts and accessories store | 1 space per 300 square feet gross floor area | |
Bait sales | 1 space per 500 square feet | |
Bakery (retail) | 1 space per 250 square feet | |
Banquet hall | 1 space per 150 square feet of seating and display area | |
Barber shop or beauty parlor | 1.5 spaces per chair; plus 1 space per employees | |
Billiard room | 2.5 spaces per table | |
Bingo parlor | 1 space per 3 seats based on design capacity | |
Boat or marine equipment sales | 1 space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales area; plus 1 space per 2500 square feet of open sales area; plus 1 space per employee | |
Bookstore* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Bowling alley | 4 spaces per lane | |
Car wash | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus 1 drying and 4 stacking spaces per washing space (washing spaces shall not be counted toward the requirements) | |
Check cashing facility | 1 space per 200 square feet | |
Coffee shop or refreshment stand | 1 space per 2.5 seats; and 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
If no indoor seating | Minimum 10 spaces | |
Convenience store | ||
Without pumps | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
With pumps | See Gas filling station | |
Cellular phone store | 1 space per 200 square feet | |
Country club | Space to accommodate 50% of the active membership at one space per 3 members | |
Crematorium | 1 space per employee; plus 1 space per 4 seats in the chapel (if applicable) | |
Dance, gymnastics, martial arts studios or similar | 1 space per 250 square feet of usable floor area; plus 1 space per employee; plus safe and convenient loading and unloading of attendees | |
Dancing, aerobics or gymnastics studio or martial arts | 1 space per 250 square feet of studio floor area | |
Delicatessen | 1 space per 250 square feet | |
Department store*** | ||
<50,000 square feet gross leasable area | 1 space per 350 square feet | |
Between 50,001 - 100,000 square feet gross leasable area | 1 space per 300 square feet Maximum: 1 space per 250 square feet | |
Between 100,001 - 250,000 square feet gross leasable area | 1 space per 350 square feet | |
>250,000 square feet gross leasable area | 1 space 400 square feet | |
Drive-in movie theater | 1 space per vehicle at maximum capacity plus 3 spaces | |
Drug store* | 1 space per 250 square feet | |
Dry cleaning establishment or laundry service | 1 space 300 square feet of gross floor area | |
Electric appliance, radio, satellite dish or television sales or repair shop | 1 space per 400 square feet; plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift | Repair is primary operation |
Exterminator | 1.25 spaces per 1000 square feet of gloss floor area | |
Fitness center | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Flea market | 1 space per 300 square feet of vendor area | |
Flower shop* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Funeral home or mortuary | 1 space per 2 employees; plus 1 space per 4 seats in the chapel | |
Furniture store* | 1.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area | |
Gas filling station | 1.5 spaces per fuel nozzle | |
With convenience store | 1 space per 300 square feet of enclosed area | |
With repair | 1 space per service bay | |
Golf course | 1 space per 2 employees; plus 3 spaces per hole | |
Golf, driving range | 1 space per tee; plus 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Golf, miniature | 1 space per hole | |
Guns store* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Hardware or paint store* | 1 space per 400 square feet | |
Health spa | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Highway maintenance garage | 1 space per employee; plus one space for each company vehicle parked on the premises | |
Hotel or motel | 1 space per room, plus 1 space per employee on largest shift, plus 1 space per 500 square feet of meeting space | |
Ice cream parlor | 1 space per 3 seats of indoor seating; plus 1 space per 5 seats of outdoor seating | |
Indoor theater | 1 space per 4 seats, plus 1 per employee on largest shift | |
Jewelry store* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Kennel | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Laundry agency (pick up) | 1 space per employee | |
Liquor store* | 1 space per 250 square feet | |
Machinery sales | 1 space per 400 square feet of enclosed sales area; plus 1 space per 2,500 square feet of open sales area; plus 1 space per employee | |
Manufactured housing or semi-tractor/trailer sales | 1 space per 500 square feet; plus 1 space per 20 units displayed | |
Meat market | 1 space per 300 square feet of | |
Motor bus or light railroad commuter station | 1 space per seat capacity of the largest vehicle | |
Motor vehicle sales | 1 space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales floor area; plus 1 space per 2,500 square feet of open sales area; plus one space per employee on largest shift | |
With repair | Plus 1 space per service bay | |
Music store | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Nail salon | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Newsdealer* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Oil change station | 2 space per service bay; plus one space per employee on largest shift | |
Optician or optical goods store | 3 spaces per doctor; plus one space per employee; if no doctor on premises | |
Pet shop* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Photography studio | 1 space per 500 square feet | |
Plumbing or heating supply | 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area; plus 1 space per employee | |
Private club or lodge | 1 space per 4 persons at maximum occupancy | |
Private recreational development (indoor) | 1 space per 4 persons at maximum occupancy | |
Resale/used merchandise (other than antiques or flea market) | 1 space per 400 square feet | |
Restaurant | 1 space per 3 seats; plus 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Restaurant, fast food | 1 space per 2.5 seats; and 1 space per 2 employees on largest shift | |
With drive-through | Plus 7 stacking spaces per window | |
If no indoor seating | 10 spaces | |
Rifle range | 1 space per firing position | |
Self service laundry or self service dry cleaning | 1 space per 3 washing machines | |
Shoe repair shop | 1 spaces per 400 square feet | |
Shoe store* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Shopping center*** | ||
< 100,000 square feet of gross leasable area | 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area Maximum: 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area | |
>100,000 square feet gross leasable area | 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area Maximum: 5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area | |
Skating rink (roller/ice) | 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of skating area | |
Sporting goods store* | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Stationary* | 1 spaces per 300 square feet | |
Supermarket | 1 space per 250 square feet up to 5000; then 1 space per 300 square feet up to 50,000 sf | |
Swimming pool | 1 space per 300 square feet of enclosed space; 1 space per 75 square feet of water surface of competition pools; 1 space per 250 square feet of water surface for non-competition pools | |
Swimming pool (public) | 1 space per 75 square feet for recreational activity and area devoted to spectators | |
Tailor and pressing shop | 1 space per 300 square feet | |
Tanning salon or massage therapy business | 2 spaces per tanning bed or massage table | |
Tavern or night club or bar | 1 space per 4 seats | |
Video store | 1 space per 200 square feet | |
All other retail uses not specified herein* | 1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area | |
Wholesale, Warehousing and Industrial Uses | ||
Junk yard | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus 2 spaces per acre of storage space | |
Lumber yard | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus 1 space per 500 square feet of enclosed sales area open to the public | |
Manufacturing | 1 space per employee on the largest shift; plus 1 space per 10 employees | |
Mineral extraction, borrow pit, topsoil removal and storage areas | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus one space per vehicle used in the operation of the warehouse | |
Printing, lithographing and publishing establishments | 1 space per 2 employees; plus 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area used for offices or open to the public | |
Recycling center - collection (public) | 1 space per employee; plus 1 space per bin | |
Recycling (sorting/distribution) | 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Research and development facilities | 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area up to 20,000 square feet; plus 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area greater than 20,000 square feet | |
Self storage facility | 3 spaces; plus 1 space for each 75 units | |
Slaughter house | 1 space per employee on largest shift | |
Warehouse/distribution center | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus one space per vehicle used in the operation of the warehouse | |
Wholesale establishment | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus 1 space per 300 square feet of sales floor open to the public | |
All other wholesale, warehousing and industrial uses not specified herein | 1 space per employee on largest shift; plus one space per vehicle used in the operation of the industry | |
* If stand-alone store size exceeds 50,000 square feet, “department store (big box)” standards apply | ||
** If use is located in the CB District, the minimum number of required spaces shall be reduced by one-half | ||
*** If the amount of parking exceeds the minimum requirement as shown, additional landscaping will be required in accordance with subsection (F)(2)(c) | ||
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007; Ord. 2009-04, passed 4-13-2009; Ord. 2017-12, passed 9-11-2017)
Additional semi-truck parking standards, see Title XV, § 8.1(D)(5)(a)
Parking lot interior landscaping, see Title XV, § 7.8(J)(2)