(A)   Intention of the district.  The purpose of the Interstate Overlay District is:
      (1)   To promote coordinated, quality development;
      (2)   To establish basic standards for structures, landscaping and other improvements on the properties within the Interstate Overlay District which promote high quality, innovative site design and at the same time encourage efficient land usage; and
      (3)   To establish development standards which will encourage capital investments for the development of those properties along and abutting Interstate 65 (I-65) within the city.
   (B)   District boundaries.  The boundaries of the Interstate Overlay District are hereby established as shown on the official zoning map for the city. The boundaries extend 400 feet outside of and parallel to the outermost right-of-way of I-65.
   (C)   Interpretation.  Properties that are situated within the Interstate Overlay District are subject to the same requirements as § 6.1 of this ordinance, except where noted in this section. In the case that this Overlay District overlaps other Overlay Districts, or where conflicting regulations occur, the following shall apply.
      (1)   The regulations of the Downtown Overlay District shall supercede the regulations of the Thoroughfare Overlay District. The Thoroughfare Overlay District shall supercede the regulations of the Interstate Overlay District. Where no special regulations are included within a specific Overlay District, the regulations of the underlying Overlay District shall apply, or in the case of no underlying Overlay District, the regulations of the underlying zoning district shall apply.
      (2)   In the case of conflicting regulations between the Interstate Overlay District regulations of this section and other regulations in this ordinance, the hierarchy detailed in subsection (C)(1) above shall determine which regulations control.
   (D)   Permitted uses.  All uses which are permitted in the underlying zoning district are permitted, except those expressly prohibited in § 6.1. As an exception, pole/ground signs in excess of 100 square feet in sign area and mini-warehouses/self storage facilities are permitted in the Interstate Overlay District.
   (E)   Interstate corridor buffer.  Properties abutting I-65 shall provide a minimum 30 foot width landscape buffer on the lot frontage adjacent to the interstate. The buffer shall contain Type B buffer plantings from Table 7.9: Landscape Buffer Types. This buffer is in addition to other required landscaping and setback yards.
   (F)   Building orientation.  All structures shall give the appearance of a front-like facade along the interstate. However, where the building is sited so that the front faces the interstate, a front-like facade must be maintained along other public rights-of-way within the city.
   (G)   Trash collection.  Trash collection and recycling areas shall not be visible from the interstate and shall be screened in accordance with § 7.8.
(Ord. 07-16, passed 12-10-2007; Ord. 2008-04, passed 6-23-2008)