Operation of Vehicles
   72.01   Duty to drive on right half of street; generally
   72.02   Meeting of vehicles
   72.03   Driving on roadways laned for traffic
   72.04   Passing vehicle proceeding in same direction; generally
   72.05   When permitted on right
   72.06   Duty of a driver of overtaken vehicle
   72.07   Right-of-way generally
   72.08   Exceptions to the right-of-way rule
   72.09   Method of turning at intersections
   72.10   Signals on starting, stopping or turning; required
   72.11   Manner of giving
   72.12   Duty of drivers of vehicles upon approach of authorized emergency vehicles
   72.13   Following fire apparatus or driving near scene of fire
   72.14   Driving over fire hose or blocking fire apparatus
   72.15   Limitations on backing
   72.16   Entering intersections and marked crosswalks restricted
   72.17   Driving vehicles on sidewalks
   72.18   Using wheels with cleats, lugs or flanges over streets and the like prohibited
   72.19   Corner cutting
   72.20   Following too closely
   72.21   Driving overloaded or overcrowded vehicle
Speed Restrictions
   72.35   Reasonable and prudent limitation
   72.36   When duty to decrease exists
   72.37   Variation of maximum speed limits
   72.38   Exemption from subchapter