§ 27-705. Signs Excluded from Regulation.
The following signs are permitted without a zoning, special use, conditional use or sign permit. However, such signs shall conform to the requirements set forth below:
      A.   Signs erected in connection with elections or political campaigns. Such signs shall be removed within 3 days following the election or conclusion of the campaign. No such sign may exceed 16 square feet in surface area.
      B.   Signs indicating that a special event such as a grand opening, fair, carnival, circus, festival or similar event is to take place on the lot where the sign is located. Such signs may be erected not sooner than 2 weeks before the event and must be removed not later than 3 days after the event.
      C.   Temporary signs of contractors, architects, mechanics and artisans.
         (1)   The signs shall be displayed only while actual work is in progress, and shall not exceed 6 square feet in area, and provided further that such signs must be removed promptly upon completion of work.
         (2)   Should such sign be left on the site beyond the allowable time frame, the Township may impound it and recover a fee from the owner of the sign equal to the costs of removal and storage of the sign.
      D.   Government mandated signs.
(Ord. 3/9/1993B, § 704)