This section describes the types of signs allowed with a sign permit. Specific regulations on each sign type may include further restrictions on which districts and/or uses within a district may utilize these sign types.
A. Attention-Getting Device:
1. Attention-getting devices are permitted for non-residential uses in the non-residential districts.
2. Each establishment may have one (1) freestanding and one (1) wall-mounted attention-getting device installed or mounted simultaneously.
3. Attention-getting devices are limited to the following display periods:
a. When the attention-getting device advertises an event that has a specific start and end time: a total display period of thirty (30) days prior to the start of the event, the time period of the event, and three (3) days following the end of the event.
b. All other attention-getting device advertises (non-time specific): Thirty (30) days.
c. A maximum of four (4) display periods per year is permitted with a minimum of thirty (30) days between displays.
4. Attention-getting devices for multi-tenant sites are subject to the following rules:
a. The display period and separation period apply to each establishment individually rather than the site as a whole.
b. For multi-tenant sites, the property owner(s) and/or tenants must coordinate display of attention-getting devices among tenants.
5. Freestanding attention-getting devices are subject to the following:
a. One (1) freestanding attention-getting device is allowed for every seventy five feet (75') of street frontage. There must be a fifteen foot (15') separation between freestanding attention- getting devices.
b. Freestanding attention-getting devices are limited to a maximum height of fifteen feet (15') and thirty two (32) square feet in area.
c. Freestanding attention-getting devices must be located a minimum of five feet (5') from a lot line, as measured from the outermost portion of the sign. No part of a freestanding attention-getting device may extend over the lot line.
6. Wall-mounted attention-getting devices are limited to thirty two (32) square feet.
B. Construction Activity Signs: On a lot where active construction is taking place, a temporary construction activity sign is permitted in conjunction with such construction and may identify the proposed use for the property even if such use is not yet established subject to the following:
1. Construction activity signs shall be considered temporary signs and are permitted in all districts on all sites with active construction projects.
2. Construction activity signs may be installed only after approval of a building permit for such construction activity.
3. Construction activity signs may be constructed as either freestanding signs, wall signs, or installed on accessory structures such as fences, and subject to the following:
a. Freestanding and wall mounted signs are limited to sixteen (16) square feet in area for construction sites for individual single-family or two-family dwellings. Freestanding or wall mounted signs are limited to thirty two (32) square feet in area for all other construction sites of two (2) or more dwelling units or on commercial sites.
4. Freestanding signs are limited to seven feet (7') in height and must be located five feet (5') from any lot line.
5. Signs may not be illuminated.
6. Construction activity signs must be removed as follows:
a. For additions, alterations, or repairs to an existing structure: sixty (60) days or when the building permit expires, whichever occurs first.
b. For new construction: once construction is complete or the building permit expires, whichever occurs first.
7. Construction activity signs mounted on construction fences shall be subject to the following:
a. The signs shall only depict information related to the development on the premises such as name of the development, associated development graphics, developer and/or contractor name and contact information.
b. No advertising or off-premise message or graphics shall be permitted.
c. The application for a permit for such sign shall include specifications for installation on fences including but not limited to material, anchoring method, location on the property (facing public right-of-way), area of coverage, and a graphical representation of the design.
d. The material of the sign shall be weather-proof and be maintained in a good state of repair at all times.
e. Upon completion of construction and removal of the temporary construction fence, the sign shall be removed.
f. No temporary construction activity signs shall be installed on permanent fences.
C. Awning Sign:
1. Awning signs are permitted for multi-family dwellings and non- residential uses in any district.
2. Awning signs must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet six inches (7'6").
3. Awning signs may encroach into the public right-of-way but must be located at least two feet (2') from the curb line.
4. Awning signs must be made of a durable, weather-resistant material such as canvas, canvas-like material, nylon, vinyl-coated fabric, or permanent building material such as metal.
5. Sign copy on any awning sign surface is limited to twenty five percent (25%) of each surface area. A valance is considered a separate surface area.
6. Solid awnings are permitted lettering attached to and located above the top of the awning to a maximum height of twenty four inches (24").
7. Awning signs may be externally illuminated and lighting must be focused on the printed area.
8. Back-lit awnings are prohibited.
D. Blade Sign (Projecting Signs):
1. Blade signs are permitted for non-residential uses in the districts indicated in table 10-1, "Blade Signs", of this section. Table 10-1 of this section also indicates permitted blade sign area maximums.
District | Maximum Area |
District | Maximum Area |
R-1 | Prohibited |
R-2 | Prohibited |
R-3 | Prohibited |
R-4 | Prohibited |
R-5 | Prohibited |
R-6 | Prohibited |
B-1 | 16 square feet |
B-2 | 24 square feet |
B-3 | 32 square feet |
O-1 | 16 square feet |
O-2 | 24 square feet |
O-3 | 32 square feet |
I | 32 square feet |
OS | Prohibited |
IB | 16 square feet |
2. One (1) blade sign is permitted per establishment with frontage on a street. For a corner lot, one (1) blade sign is permitted for each street frontage.
3. Blade signs may encroach into the public right-of-way but must be located at least two feet (2') from the curb line.
4. Blade signs must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet six inches (7'6"). No blade sign affixed to a building may project higher than the building height, including the sign support structure.
5. Blade signs must be constructed of wood or simulated wood, metal, durable, weather-resistant material like canvas, canvas- like material, nylon or vinyl-coated fabric, plastic, or high- density urethane (HDU) foam board or similar durable foam construction. Blade signs constructed of canvas or similar material must be mounted so that they are held taut between support posts.
6. Blade signs may be internally or externally illuminated. If externally illuminated, all lighting must be directed onto the sign face from above.
E. Canopy Sign: Canopy signs are divided into the following types: non-structural and structural.
1. Non-Structural Canopy Signs:
a. Non-structural canopy signs are permitted for multi-family dwellings and non-residential uses in all districts.
b. Non-structural canopy signs must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet six inches (7'6").
c. Non-structural canopy signs may encroach into the public right-of-way but must be located at least two feet (2') from the curb line. Support posts must maintain a minimum separation of five feet (5') between posts and five feet (5') between the posts and any building wall.
d. Non-structural canopy signs must be made of a durable, weather-resistant material such as canvas, canvas-like material, nylon, or vinyl-coated fabric.
e. Sign copy on any canopy sign surface is limited to twenty five percent (25%) of each surface area.
f. Non-structural canopy signs may be externally illuminated and lighting must be focused on the printed area.
g. Back-lit canopies are prohibited.
2. Structural Canopy Signs:
a. Structural canopy signs are permitted as follows:
(1) Structural canopy signs attached to the principal structure are permitted for multi-family dwellings. Freestanding structural canopy signs are prohibited.
(2) Structural canopy signs attached to the principal structure are permitted for non-residential uses. Freestanding structural canopy signs are prohibited.
(3) Freestanding structural canopy signs are permitted for non- residential uses in the B-3 and I Districts.
b. Structural canopy signs attached to the principal structure may encroach into the public right-of-way but must be located at least two feet (2') from the curb line. Support posts must maintain a minimum separation of five feet (5') between posts and five feet (5') between the posts and any building wall.
c. Freestanding structural canopy signs are subject to the setback requirements of the district where they are located or ten feet (10') from any lot line, whichever is greater. Freestanding structural canopy signs are limited to a maximum height of twenty five feet (25').
d. All structural canopy signs attached to a building must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet six inches (7'6"). Freestanding structural canopy signs must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of fifteen feet (15').
e. For structural canopies attached to a building, sign copy is limited to twenty five percent (25%) of each surface area. Such signs are permitted lettering attached to and located above the top of a structural canopy to a maximum height of twenty four inches (24").
f. For freestanding structural canopies, sign copy is limited to a maximum of twenty five percent (25%) of the area of each facade. No sign may be mounted above the top of the roof of the structural canopy, but a sign mounted on the structural canopy facade may extend a maximum of twelve inches (12") above the roofline.
g. Structural canopy signs must be made of permanent building material, such as metal, brick, stucco, or concrete.
h. Structural canopy signs may be internally or externally illuminated. If externally illuminated, the lighting must be focused on the sign. In addition, freestanding structural canopies for gas stations are permitted an illuminated band along each facade of the canopy. The illuminated band is limited to twenty percent (20%) of the overall height of the facade of the canopy.
F. Electronic Message Sign:
1. Electronic message signs are permitted in commercial districts abutting the Route 12 and Route 22 roadways and the IB District on sites that are a minimum of one (1) acre in size. The following exception applies:
a. Motor vehicle service stations in any district are permitted an electronic message sign to display copy graphic that is required to be displayed by law, such as fuel prices. Only motor vehicle service stations located in commercial districts abutting the Route 12 and Route 22 roadways are permitted an additional electronic message sign, however the total sign area of the electronic message signs, including copy required by law, cannot exceed that permitted by this section.
2. Electronic message signs are permitted as part of a ground sign - standard, ground sign - multi-tenant retail center, wall sign, or marquee sign and are subject to the requirements for those sign types within that district.
3. Electronic message signs must be a minimum of twenty five feet (25') from the lot line of any residential district. This is measured from sign face to the residential lot line, including any public right-of-way.
4. Electronic message signs must be integrated into the larger sign structure. The electronic component is limited to a maximum of seventy percent (70%) of the total area of a sign.
5. Only one (1) electronic message sign per lot is permitted. For the purposes of this regulation, a multi-tenant development where the development as a whole is comprised of separate lots of record, the entire development, including outlot parcels and inline development, is considered one (1) lot.
6. Each message or image displayed on an electronic message sign must be static for a minimum of four (4) seconds. Multi-color messages and static images are permitted. Any change in an electronic message must be instantaneous, without scrolling, fading in, dropping in, or similar moving copy changes.
7. Electronic message signs cannot operate as a commercial off- premises sign, that is to direct attention to a specific business, product, service, entertainment event or activity, or other commercial activity that is not sold, produced, manufactured, furnished, or conducted at the property upon which the sign is located.
8. Electronic message signs must display static text messages only, with no animation or effects simulating animation or video. Any scrolling, flashing, spinning, revolving, or shaking animation, or movement of the message or any component of the sign is prohibited. Any message change sequence must be accomplished immediately by changing from one (1) screen to another without transition by means of, for example, fade or dissolve mode. Video display screens are prohibited.
G. Ground Sign:
1. Ground Sign Types: Ground signs are regulated as the following types in this title:
a. Ground signs - standard are permitted for multi-family dwellings and non-residential uses in any district.
b. Ground signs - multi-tenant retail center are permitted for multi-tenant retail centers in any district.
c. Ground signs - residential subdivision are permitted for residential subdivisions in any district.
2. General Ground Sign Regulations: The following regulations apply to all ground signs:
a. When the ground sign is designed with the base of the ground sign structure installed at grade, the monument base must be designed as an integral part of the sign structure. The width of the top of the sign face must be a minimum of seventy percent (70%) and a maximum of one hundred thirty percent (130%) of the width of the base.
b. In order to create flexibility for ground signs installed where the ground is not level, structural (non-decorative) posts may extend out of the ground but are limited to a maximum of six inches (6") above the adjacent ground where they are installed.
c. A ground sign may be designed with decorative posts that are part of the overall sign structure and sign design, and such decorative posts may extend out of the ground for a maximum of two feet (2') above the adjacent ground where they are installed.
d. Ground signs must be set back five feet (5') from any lot line. No ground sign may project into, over, or otherwise encroach on a public right-of-way.
e. Ground signs may be internally or externally illuminated. If externally illuminated, all light must be directed onto the sign face.
f. Ground signs must be constructed of brick, wood or simulated wood, stone, concrete, metal, plastic, or high-density urethane (HDU) foam board or similar durable foam construction. The base on which a ground is principally supported should typically be constructed of masonry material.
3. Ground Signs - Standard: Ground signs - standard are subject to the following limitations on sign area, sign height, and sign number:
a. One (1) ground sign - standard is permitted per street frontage. When a lot has over one hundred fifty feet (150') of street frontage, an additional ground sign is permitted for each additional access point to the lot along that frontage.
b. Ground sign - standard height and area are limited to the maximums indicated in table 10-2, "Ground Signs - Standard", of this section.
c. Any business or office district with frontage along Route 12 and IL Route 22 is permitted a ground sign that meets the standards of the B-3 District, as shown in table 10-2 of this section.
District | Maximum Area | Maximum Height |
District | Maximum Area | Maximum Height |
R-1 | Prohibited | - |
R-2 | Prohibited | - |
R-3 | Prohibited | - |
R-4 | Prohibited | - |
R-5 | Prohibited | - |
R-6 | Prohibited | - |
B-1 | 24 sq. ft. | 12' |
B-2 | 24 sq. ft. | 12' |
B-3 | Less than 200' of lot frontage and less than 2 acres of lot area: 50 sq. ft. 200' or more of lot frontage and 2 acres or more of lot area: 120 sq. ft. | 12' |
O-1 | 24 sq. ft. | 12' |
O-2 | 24 sq. ft. | 12' |
O-3 | 50 sq. ft. | 12' |
I | 36 sq. ft. | 12' |
OS | 36 sq. ft. | 12' |
IB | 50 sq. ft. | 12' |
4. Ground Signs - Multi-Tenant Retail Center: Ground signs - multi-tenant retail center are subject to the following sign area, sign height, and sign number permissions:
a. One (1) ground sign - multi-tenant retail center is permitted per street frontage of a lot. An additional ground sign is permitted for each additional access point to the lot, however a minimum separation of fifty feet (50') is required between ground signs. For the purposes of this regulation, a multi-tenant development where the development as a whole is comprised of separate lots of record, the entire development, including outlot parcels and inline development, is considered one (1) lot.
b. Ground signs - multi-tenant retail center permissions are as follows:
(1) Maximum sign area of one hundred twenty (120) square feet of area per sign.
(2) Maximum sign height of twelve feet (12').
5. Ground Signs - Residential Subdivision: Ground signs - residential subdivision are subject to the following sign area, sign height, and sign number permissions.
a. One (1) ground sign - residential subdivision is permitted for each access point to the development. A minimum separation of fifty feet (50') is required between ground signs.
b. Ground signs - residential subdivision are permitted a maximum sign area of one hundred twenty (120) square feet per sign and a maximum sign height of eight feet (8') per sign.
6. Ground Sign Landscaping: All ground signs must be landscaped at the base of the sign in accordance with the following:
a. Landscape must extend a minimum of two feet (2') from the sign base on all sides with small shrubs a minimum of eighteen inches (18") in height at planting in a single row around the perimeter of the sign base. The remainder of the required landscape area must be planted with trees, perennials, or other live groundcover.
b. If a ground monument sign is designed with a decorative base and such decorative base extends to the ground, the single row of shrubs around the perimeter of the sign base is not required. Landscape must extend a minimum of two feet (2') from the sign base around a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of the sign base, and must be planted with shrubs, trees, perennials, or other live groundcover.
c. If landscape is required on a site, ground sign landscape is included in the total amount of landscape required on a site. Where a sign is installed in any landscape area of a site, the specific landscape requirements of this section do not apply and the sign landscape must be integrated into the overall site landscape plan. Sign landscape must be shown on the landscape plan.
d. All landscape must be maintained in good condition, and free and clear of rubbish and weeds.
H. Marquee:
1. Marquees are permitted for commercial uses in B-3 District.
2. Marquees must be supported solely by the building to which they are attached. No exterior columns or posts are permitted as supports.
3. The roof of a marquee may not be used for any purpose other than to form and constitute a roof and must be constructed of noncombustible material.
4. Water from the roofs of a marquee may not drain, drip, or flow onto the surface of a public right-of-way. Sufficient downspouts, drains, and gutters must be installed as part of each marquee to prevent water from the roof of the marquee from flowing onto the surface of a public right-of-way.
5. Marquees must be erected over a building entrance and are limited to the width of the building entrance plus an additional five feet (5') on each side of the entrance doors covered by the marquee.
6. All marquees must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet (8'), and the roof of the marquee structure must be erected below the second floor windowsill, and must not conceal any significant architectural features or ornamentation of the building.
7. Marquees may encroach into the public right-of-way but must be located at least two feet (2') from the curb line.
8. Marquees are permitted lettering attached to and located above the roof of a marquee to a maximum height of forty eight inches (48").
9. Marquees are permitted an electronic message component if the district allows electronic message signs. Marquees are also permitted a changeable message board as part of the marquee structure. However, the marquee may only have either a changeable message board sign or an electronic message sign.
10. Marquees may be internally illuminated.
11. Marquees bare-bulb illumination outlining is prohibited.
I. Menuboard:
1. Menuboards are permitted for all drive-through facilities in any district.
2. Menuboards are limited to a maximum of two (2) per drive- through lane.
3. Menuboards are limited to seventy five (75) square feet in sign area and eight feet (8') in height. The menuboard may be designed as separate freestanding signs grouped together and may include the use of preview boards designed as separate freestanding signs installed a distance earlier in the drive- through lane, however the total area of all signs must not exceed seventy five (75) square feet.
4. Menuboards are permitted an additional ten (10) square feet of sign area for temporary signs attached to the top or sides of the menuboard.
5. Menuboards must be located a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from any residential district lot line. This is measured from sign face to lot line, including any public right-of-way.
6. Menuboards may be internally illuminated. Menuboards may also contain an electronic screen for interaction with each customer.
J. Suspended Signs: These standards also apply to signs suspended or mounted under awnings, canopies, galleries, or arcades.
1. Suspended signs must be attached to the underside of an awning, canopy, gallery, or arcade. Suspended signs must not project beyond the awning, canopy, gallery, or arcade.
2. Suspended signs must maintain a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet (7').
3. A maximum of one (1) suspended sign is permitted per business establishment with frontage where the awning, canopy, gallery, or arcade is located.
4. Suspended signs are limited to a maximum of six (6) square feet in area.
5. Suspended signs must be securely fixed to the awning with metal supports.
6. Suspended signs must be made of wood, metal, plastic, or high- density urethane (HDU) foam board or similar durable foam construction.
K. Wall Sign:
1. Wall signs are permitted for all non-residential uses in any district.
2. Wall signs are permitted on all facades of a structure. On a site consisting of multiple structures, each structure is permitted wall signs per the regulations of this section. The square footage from different structures cannot be combined to create a larger sign on any one (1) structure.
3. The maximum size of a wall sign is established at one and one- half (11/2) square feet per linear foot of building wall where the wall sign will be mounted or forty (40) square feet, whichever is greater. The square footage from different facades cannot be combined to create a larger sign on any one (1) facade.
4. In a multi-tenant structure, each tenant is permitted a wall sign of one and one-half (11/2) square feet per linear foot of business frontage or forty (40) square feet, whichever is greater, for each tenant. The square footage from different tenants cannot be combined to create a larger sign than allowed by this section.
5. The number of individual wall signs on a facade is not limited, however the cumulative sign area of all signs on that facade cannot exceed the maximum allowable sign area per subsection J3 of this section.
6. Wall signs may be internally or externally illuminated. If externally illuminated, all light must be directed onto the sign face.
7. Wall signs must be safely and securely attached to the building wall. Wall signs must project less than eighteen inches (18") from the building wall. Wall signs may encroach into the public right-of-way no more than eighteen inches (18").
8. No wall sign affixed to a building, including sign support structure, may project beyond the ends or top of the wall or higher than the roofline of the structure to which it is attached.
9. Wall signs must be constructed of wood or simulated wood, metal, durable, weather-resistant material like canvas, canvas- like material, nylon or vinyl-coated fabric, plastic, or high- density urethane (HDU) foam board or similar durable foam construction. Wall signs constructed of material must be mounted so that they are held taut against the wall. Painted wall signs are prohibited.
10. Wall signs are permitted on architectural appurtenances, such as chimneys or penthouses, which are part of the structure. Wall signs must not cover any window, windowsill, transom sill, or significant architectural feature of the structure.
(Ord. 2017-4-198, 4-17-2017; amd. Ord. 2022-07-468, 7-18-2022)