This Zoning Code of the Village of Lake Zurich, as supplemented, contains ordinances up to and including ordinance 2020-07-371, passed July 6, 2020. Ordinances of the Village adopted after said ordinance supersede the provisions of this code to the extent that they are in conflict or inconsistent therewith. Consult the Village office in order to ascertain whether any particular provision of the code has been amended, superseded or repealed.
Title And Purposes   1
Zoning Districts And Official Documents   2
Residential Districts   3
Business Districts   4
Office Districts   5
Industrial District   6
Special Districts And Overlay Districts   7
Open Space District   7A
Institutional Buildings District   7B
Lake Protection District   7C
DR Downtown Redevelopment Overlay
District   7D
Landscaping And Lighting   8
Landscaping   8A
Exterior Lighting   8B
Accessory Uses; Temporary Uses;
Home Occupations   9
Parking And Loading   10
Nonconformities   11
Administrative Officials And Bodies   12
Certificate Of Zoning Compliance   13
Zoning Applications And Hearings   14
Interpretations   15
Appeals   16
Variations   17
Amendments   18
Special Use Permits   19
Site Plan Review   20
Exterior Appearance Review   21
Planned Unit Developments   22
Applicability, Scope, And Enforcement   23
Applicability   23A
Scope   23B
Enforcement And Penalties   23C
Usage And Definitions   24