The following definitions, terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall apply to this chapter:
   (a)   "Building Commissioner" means the Building Commissioner of the City of Lakewood or his/her authorized representative.
   (b)   "Family swimming pool" means an artificial body of water accessory to either a single-family or two-family dwelling house with any horizontal measurement ten feet or more and used or intended to be used solely by the owner or lessees of such dwelling house or by his family or by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee.
   (c)   "Portable family swimming pool" means a family swimming pool resting entirely above ground and designed to be easily dismantled, stored and moved from one place to another.
   (d)   "Family wading pool" means an artificial body of water accessory to either a single-family or two-family house, with a controlled water supply, with any horizontal measurement being less than ten feet and used or intended to be used solely by the owner or lessee of such dwelling house or by his family or by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee.
   (e)   "Portable wading pool" means a family wading pool which may be dismantled, stored or moved from one place to another.
   (f)   "Permanent wading pool" means a family wading pool which is built either upon or below the level of the ground and which is not designed or intended to be readily dismantled, stored or moved from one place to another.
      (Ord. 59-08. Passed 7-21-2008.)