(a)   Screening, approved by the Architectural Board of Review, may take the form of:
      (1)   A landscaped earthen berm a minimum of two (2) feet high plus plantings a minimum of two (2) feet high (a total of four [4] feet high) at all points;
      (2)   A concrete or masonry wall;
      (3)   A wood, wrought iron, tubular steel, or similar fence compatible with the character of the area in which the fence is to be placed;
      (4)   A compact hedge or other live evergreen vegetative barrier; or
      (5)   A combination thereof.
   Fences and walls used to meet screening requirements shall display a finished face toward adjacent streets and properties.
   (b)   All varieties of living landscape materials used shall be:
      (1)   Healthy, hardy, and drought-resistant consistent with the availability of water for artificial irrigation; and
      (2)   Suitable for the climate and environmental influences on the site, such as exposure to sun, wind, water, heat, automobile exhaust fumes, and road salt; and
      (3)   Compatible with the slope of the site, with existing vegetation to be preserved and with utility lines above or below ground level; and
      (4)   Not prone to cause a nuisance within the public right-of-way as a result of dropping fruit or debris other than leaves; and
      (5)   Protected from pedestrian or vehicular traffic by grates, pavers, or other measures, where vulnerable to damage.
   (c)   Grass or other ground cover shall be planted over all landscaped strips including earthen faces of berms -- except in areas planted in flowers, shrubs, or trees -- so as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within three (3) months after planting.
   Non-living landscaping materials such as sand, stones, rocks, or barks may be substituted for living cover on strips which are six (6) feet or less in width and may cover a maximum of thirty percent (30%) of the landscaped area in other instances. No artificial plants or artificial turf shall be used.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)