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    (a)   Any multi-family, commercial, or industrial use located on a lot having a rear or side lot line abutting a residential use, or a rear or side lot line abutting a public right-of-way, shall install landscaping and screening along such lot line(s), consistent with this Chapter.
   (b)   Exceptions:
      (1)   Screening on abutting lot: No landscaping or screening shall be required along a lot line where adequate landscaping or screening exists along such lot line on the abutting lot(s). If such existing screening is lawfully discontinued, screening on the subject lot consistent with the purposes herein shall be installed within sixty (60) days of the discontinuation.
      (2)   Below-grade areas: The height of landscaping or screening along a lot line that abuts a below-grade parking or loading area may be reduced by the amount of the difference in grade between the parking or loading area and the grade at the lot line. Such difference in grade shall be the difference between the highest point of the finished grade of the parking or loading area and the mean average of the lot within four (4) feet of the lot line.
      (3)   Shared driveway: No landscaping or screening shall be required along that portion of a lot line along which there is a driveway or vehicular circulation aisle that is shared with an abutting lot.
      (4)   Building walls: A blank building wall (no doors, windows, or other openings), or roof exhausts less than ten (10) feet from a property line along a lot line shall qualify as screening for purposes of this Chapter if its location is legally non-conforming or is permitted pursuant to this Code.
      (5)   Line of sight hazard: Landscaping and screening shall not create a sight hazard, as determined by the City Traffic Engineer.
         (Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)