Every owner, operator, or agent of any property which has been determined HPD or HP shall keep in good repair all of the exterior portions and all interior portions thereof which, if not so maintained, may cause or tend to cause the exterior portion or public interior portion of such area, place, building, or structure, work of art or other object to deteriorate, decay or become damaged or otherwise fall into a state of disrepair. Every owner, operator or agent of any property which has been determined HPD or HP shall further keep in good repair all portions of any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object which, if not so maintained, may cause or tend to cause such portions to deteriorate, decay, or become damaged or otherwise fall into a state of disrepair. The repair and maintenance required by this section includes, without limitation:
   (a)   Adhering to the minimum standards of compliance with Part Thirteen of the Codified Ordinances; and
   (b)   Structurally stabilizing each building or structure by taking all steps necessary to ensure:
      (1)   The roof is watertight;
      (2)   Gutters are properly pitched and cleared of debris;
      (3)   Downspout joints are intact;
      (4)   Drains are unobstructed;
      (5)   Windows and door frames and wood siding are in good condition;
      (6)   Masonry walls are properly tuck pointed to keep out moisture;
      (7)   The property is graded for proper water run-off;
      (8)   Vegetation is cleared from around each property; and
      (9)   Trash, debris and hazardous materials such as inflammable liquids, poisons and paints are removed from the interior of each one (1) of any area, place, building, public interior portion of any building, structure, work of art or other object on a continuous basis.
   (c)   Exterminating or controlling pests, including termites and rodents.
   (d)   Protecting any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object from moisture penetration.
   (e)   Securing each vacant area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object from vandalism and break-ins including, without limitation:
      (1)   First floor windows and doors must be secured;
      (2)   Plywood must be painted black or if the structure is composed of brick, a color compatible with the color of the brick;
      (3)   The method used to install the plywood may not result in the destruction of the opening covered and all sashes, doors and frames must be protected or stored for future use;
      (4)   Battery-operated intrusion alarms must be installed on the first floor of each portion of any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object;
      (5)   Battery-operated smoke alarms must be installed on all floors of any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object;
      (6)   Adequate security lighting or fencing must be installed on each portion of any area, place, building, structure, work of art or other object where deemed necessary by the Commissioner.
   (f)   Providing adequate ventilation to the interior of each vacant portion of any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object.
   (g)   Securing or modifying utilities and mechanical systems for each portion of any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object.
   (h)   Taking such other steps deemed necessary by the Commissioner.
      (Ord. 15-14. Passed 3-17-2014.)