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   (a)   ALTER or ALTERATION, for the purposes of this chapter, shall include the following actions made with respect to the designated portions of an HP or HPD: (1) a change in design, material color, texture, material, interior architectural feature, or exterior architectural feature; (2) any additions to existing areas, places, buildings, structures, works of art or other objects; and (3) material change to a part of a public interior portion of a building. The correction of any deterioration or damage to an area, place, building, structure, work of art or other object and restoration to its condition prior to such deterioration or damage is excluded from the definition of alteration, provided such work does not involve a change in design, material color, texture material or exterior architectural feature.
   (b)   CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS means a certificate issued by the Architectural Board of Review indicating that proposed design plans for alteration or demolition of a property within the HPD or the HP are in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (c)   DEMOLISH or DEMOLITION means the razing or removal, in whole or in part, of any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object.
   (d)   DESIGNATION means the decision by the Commission, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, to declare a nominated district or property as historic.
   (e)   EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE(S) means the architectural style, general design and general arrangement of the exterior of a building or structure including, but not limited to, windows, doors, porches, cornices, exterior wall materials, decorative trim, chimneys, roof structure and roof materials, and other fixtures appurtenant to the exterior of the building or structure.
   (f)   HISTORIC PROPERTY or HP is any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object that has been designated historic pursuant to this chapter.
   (g)   HISTORIC PRESERVATION DISTRICT or HPD is a district containing any area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object, which district has been des-ignated historic pursuant to this chapter.
   (h)   INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE(S) means the architectural style, design, general arrangement and components of an interior, including but not limited to the kind, color and texture of a building material and the type and style of all windows, doors, lights, signs and other fixtures appurtenant to such interior.
   (i)   MATERIAL COLOR means the color inherent to a material such as brick or stone. It shall not be construed to refer to exterior painting.
   (j)   NOMINATION means the initial identification by the Commission of appropriate districts and properties as eligible for historic designation pursuant to this chapter.
   (k)   PRESERVATION means the act or process of applying measures to sustain the existing form, integrity and material of an area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object.
   (l)   PUBLIC INTERIOR PORTION means the interior portion of a building or structure together with its interior architectural features, that is, or was, designed to be customarily open or accessible to the public, including by invitation. Public interior portion does not include an interior portion of a building or structure that was customarily open or accessible to the public if the interior portion has been significantly altered such that a substantial portion of the features reflecting design for public use no longer remain. Terminating the use of an interior portion of a building by the public shall not in and of itself constitute the conversion of the design of such interior portion. Public interior portion does not include the interior portions of a building, which portions were designed to be, and are still, used exclusively as non-public spaces.
   (m)   SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR'S STANDARDS FOR RE-HABILITATION means the United States Secretary of the Interior's Standards For Rehabilitation codified at 36 CFR 67 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as the same may be amended from time to time, and associated guidelines established by the Commission, that form the criteria used by the Architectural Board of Review when considering an application for a certificate of appropriateness in an HPD or for an HP.
   (n)   SUBSTANTIAL HARDSHIP STATEMENT means a statement attested to by an owner or other authorized agent owning and/or using an area, place, building, public interior portion of a building, structure, work of art or other object that is subject to approval of a certificate of appropriateness, that denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the City would impose a substantial hardship or burden.
   (o)   UNIQUE HISTORIC GUIDELINES means any specific guidelines adopted by the Commission, either at the time of nomination or designation of an HPD or HP, or upon subsequent revision and review, to govern any such designated HPD or HP.
(Ord. 15-14. Passed 3-17-2014.)