11-1-1: Title
11-1-2: Purpose And Intent
11-1-3: Definitions
11-1-4: Jurisdiction
11-1-5: Applicability
11-1-6: Legal Authority And Status
11-1-7: Approvals, Interpretations, Exceptions, And Variations
11-1-8: Revocation Of Site Development Permit
11-1-9: Enforcement And Penalties
11-1-10: Appeals
11-1-11: Effective Date
The purpose of this title is to regulate the development of land located within, and within one and one-half (11/2) miles of, the corporate limits of the village and the regulations set forth in this title are hereby made a part of the official comprehensive plan of the village of Lake Villa ("the village"), as may be amended from time to time. This title is also intended to provide for the harmonious development of the village and its environs; for the coordination of streets within new developments with other existing or planned streets; for the dedication and acceptance of land for public use; for the installation and construction of utilities, roadways and other improvements essential to service the developments; for the dedication and acceptance of land required for schools, parks, playgrounds, and other public uses; for the preparation of subdivision and other development plans and the procedure for the submittal thereof to the village and the related public hearing process, approval and recording of plats of subdivision, when required by and in compliance with the relevant provisions of this code and the Illinois statutes.
The purpose of this title is also:
A. To promote and protect the public health, safety, convenience and the general welfare.
B. To facilitate the orderly growth and development of the village by providing suitable residential, commercial and industrial developments consistent with the official comprehensive plan.
C. To secure a safe traffic circulation system by having a good relationship between the street system, adjoining developments, and public facilities.
D. To achieve homesites of maximum utility and livability.
E. To ensure adequate provisions for water, drainage, sanitary sewer facilities and other health requirements.
F. To secure adequate provisions for roads, recreational and open space areas, school sites and other public facilities.
G. To facilitate the further resubdivision of large tracts into smaller parcels of land.
H. To preserve the character of the village and contiguous unincorporated territory.
I. To preserve the ecological system and the environment.
J. To establish standards of design and reasonable procedures for subdivision and resubdivision and other development of land within the village and adjacent unincorporated areas which are within the subdivision jurisdiction of the village.
K. To assist land developers and public officials in processing subdivisions and making other decisions about them.
L. To avoid disturbing areas subject to flooding.
M. To preserve natural vegetation.
N. To define and limit the powers and duties of the administrative officers and bodies that administer and enforce these regulations.
O. To help enforce the development standards contained in the other applicable ordinances of the village. (Ord. 2015-03-02, 3-11-2015)