For the purposes of these subdivision regulations and in order to carry out its provisions and intentions, certain words, terms, and phrases shall be deemed to have the meanings ascribed to them herein.
When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary.
ACCEPTED PUBLIC STREET: Any street duly accepted in writing by the corporate authorities of the village for maintenance thereof by the village.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OR ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY: The village administrator or any officer designated by him or her to administer and enforce this title. (Also see definition of Enforcement Officer.)
ALLEY: A strip of land along the side of or in the rear of properties intended to provide access to those properties abutting and/or adjacent to said strip of land.
APPROVED STREET: Any street, whether public or private, meeting standards or specifications of the village and/or otherwise accepted by the village for dedication.
BIKE PATH: A designated right of way provided for the specific use of pedestrians and bicycles.
BOARD OR VILLAGE BOARD: See definition of Corporate Authorities.
BLOCKS: A tract of subdivided land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets, public parks, railroad rights of way, or other natural boundaries.
BUILDING LINE: A line parallel to a lot line set at the closest point of the principal building, excluding allowable obstructions, to such lot line.
BUILDING SETBACK LINE: A building line establishing the minimum allowable distance between a street right of way line or property line and any structure.
COMMISSION: Whenever the word "commission" is used in this title, it shall be deemed to refer to the plan commission of the village.
COMMUNITY PARK: See definition of Park, Community.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The official comprehensive plan, or any geographical or functional part thereof, as adopted and amended from time to time by the village, including the official map which is part thereof.
CORPORATE AUTHORITIES: The mayor and board of trustees of the village.
COUNTY ENGINEER: Chief administrative official of the Lake County division of transportation.
CROSSWALK: A strip of land dedicated as public right of way across a block to be used by pedestrians and/or for underground utilities.
CUL-DE-SAC: A street having one open end and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround.
DEVELOP: See definition of Development Or To Develop.
DEVELOPMENT OR TO DEVELOP: Any subdivision, resubdivision, or any other project which includes any construction or any installation of site improvements on a lot or parcel which affects or relates to the need (present or future) for public improvements and/or which includes and/or may include the installation of such public improvements.
EASEMENT: A strip of land on or between parcels of land dedicated for use for a specific purpose or purposes, including, but not limited to, use by the village, public and/or utilities, and/or the general public, usually shown on a plat and/or granted by the property owner by a separate easement document, which shall be recorded in the office of the Lake County recorder of deeds.
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: For purposes of this title, the enforcement officer shall be the village administrator or that village employee or consultant(s) designated by the village administrator. The enforcement officer of the village shall also be its plat officer.
ENGINEER: A professional engineer registered as such in the state of Illinois.
FRONTAGE, LOT: The length of all of the property of such lot fronting on a street, as measured between side lot lines.
FRONTAGE ROAD: A street, often parallel to and providing access to the adjacent land where direct access to such street is precluded.
FRONTAGE ROAD, REVERSE: A street often parallel to a high volume road and located behind the adjacent buildings, instead of between the buildings and the major road.
HEALTH OFFICER: The director of the Lake County health department, or his designee.
INSPECTOR: The authorized and designated representative of the village administrator assigned to make detailed inspection(s) of any or all portions of the work or material thereof.
LOT: A parcel of subdivided land duly recorded.
MAJOR SUBDIVISION: Any subdivision not classified as a minor subdivision or not specifically exempted under the terms of these subdivision regulations.
MINIPARK: See definition of Park, Mini.
MINOR SUBDIVISION: Any subdivision containing not more than five (5) lots, and fronting on an existing improved minor street, and not involving any new street or road or the extension of the municipal facilities, and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property, and not in conflict with any provisions or portion of the official comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, or these subdivision regulations.
NEIGHBORHOOD PARK: See definition of Park, Neighborhood.
OFFICIAL PLAN: The comprehensive plan, or any geographical or functional part thereof, as adopted by the village of Lake Villa, indicating the general locations recommended for streets, parks, public buildings, and other community development aspects.
OWNER: Any person having legal and equitable title to the land sought to be subdivided.
PARK, COMMUNITY: An area permanently devoted to recreational uses, containing or suited for any combination of intense recreational facilities (such as formal athletic fields, athletic complexes, or swimming pools) or natural resources for outdoor recreation (such as walking, viewing, sitting, picnicking, etc.), depending upon site suitability and community need, to serve several neighborhoods.
PARK, MINI: An area permanently devoted to recreational uses, containing specialized facilities or natural resources to serve a concentrated or limited population or specific group, such as tots or senior citizens.
PARK, NEIGHBORHOOD: An area permanently devoted to recreational uses, containing or suited for intense recreational activities (such as field games, crafts, playground apparatus area, skating, picnicking, etc.) or natural resources to serve a neighborhood.
PARKWAY: An unpaved strip of land within the right of way of a street between a sidewalk and the back of curb or edge of pavement, or if there is no sidewalk, between the lot line and the back of curb or edge of pavement.
PEDESTRIANWAY: A right of way, however designated, across or within a block for use by pedestrian traffic, which shall include, but not be limited to, sidewalks and/or crosswalks.
PERSON: A firm, association, authority, organization, partnership, company or corporation as well as an individual.
PLAT: A map, drawing, or chart on which the developer's plan of the subdivision is presented and which he submits for approval and intends to record when in final form.
PLAT, FINAL: The final plat of the subdivision, including, but not limited to, plats of consolidation and plats of resubdivision, or the final plan for a development, with accompanying material, which is submitted to the village for approval.
PLAT OFFICER: The village's enforcement officer shall be the village's plat officer.
PLAT, PRELIMINARY: A preliminary plat of subdivision or plan with accompanying material, upon which the design for the subdivision is presented, and submitted to the village for approval, but not recording.
PRELIMINARY PLAN: The drawings and documents described in section 11-2-2 of this title.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT(S): Facilities (present or future) protecting the public health, safety, and welfare, including, but not limited to, public or private streets, highways, alleys, public grounds, easements for utilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and/or pedestrianways and/or bicycle paths, streetlights, parks, playgrounds, school grounds, stormwater drainage, water supply and distribution, sanitary sewers and sewage collection and/or treatment facilities.
PUBLIC STREET: All major and minor collector streets and all local streets and cul-de-sacs which are shown on the subdivision plat and dedicated for public use and accepted by the village or appropriate public body.
RESERVE STRIP: A strip of land, smaller than a lot, and retained in private ownership as a means of controlling access to land.
RESUBDIVISION: The relocation of property boundaries, or the reallocation of property in a recorded subdivision. The vacation of property lines not accompanied by the relocation of new property lines shall not constitute resubdivision, but rather, a vacation of the subdivision.
RIGHT OF WAY: A strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, prescription, or condemnation intended to be occupied or occupied by a road, alley, sidewalk, trail, bicycle path, or similar use(s).
ROAD OR ROADWAY: The paved area within the street right of way available and intended for vehicle movement, not including private drive aprons.
SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION: A single-family residential subdivision of land includes the division of land for single-family residential purposes, into two (2) or more lots, sites or parcels and may include the dedication or establishment of a public or private road, highway or street through a parcel of land.
SITE PLAN: A plan as specified by the village administrator or his designee that shows all of the existing features and proposed changes to a development site.
STREET: A vehicularway, whether public or private, which may also serve for all or part of its width as a way for pedestrian traffic, whether called street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, alley, mall or otherwise designated.
STREET, ARTERIAL: A continuous roadway through the village linking it to other villages or cities.
STREET, LOCAL: A street that extends block to block and is not continuous.
STREET, MAJOR COLLECTOR: A street which connects local and arterial roadways. Not always continuous through the village.
STREET, MINOR COLLECTOR: A street which connects local roadways, usually to major collector streets. Not always continuous through a village or city.
STREET RIGHT OF WAY: All property dedicated or intended for streets.
STREET WIDTH: The shortest distance between the lines delineating the right of way of a street.
SUBDIVIDER: Any owner or other person proceeding under these subdivision regulations to subdivide or develop land.
SUBDIVISION: For the purposes of these development regulations, any condominium development, planned unit development, and other residential, commercial, industrial and/or other development on one or more lots, tracts or parcels of land which affects or relates to the need for public improvements and/or which includes or may include the installation thereof (present or proposed), including, but not limited to, any division of, or redivision of, any tract, parcel, or lot of land, into two (2) or more parts, which shall include resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. For the purpose of these development regulations, a subdivision of land includes resubdivision, and/or consolidations of land.
SUBDIVISION JURISDICTION: Within one and one-half (11/2) miles beyond the corporate limits of the village, unless otherwise provided by an intergovernmental boundary agreement executed by the village.
SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE: The plan is within the limits set by the previously approved and recorded site capacity and schematic plan, or sketch and residuals plan. Specifically, the limits for density shall be equal to or lower than previously approved, for open space ratios shall be equal to or higher than previously approved, and for the level of resource protection shall be equal to or higher than that previously approved.
SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS: The superintendent of highways of the county of Lake.
SURVEYOR: A land surveyor registered in the state of Illinois.
THOROUGHFARE, SECONDARY: A street which carries traffic from a minor street to a primary thoroughfare, including the principal entrance streets and circulation streets of most subdivisions.
TYPE MAP: A map delineating the types of existing vegetation by dominant species, size and condition.
ZONING OFFICER: The village administrator of the village of Lake Villa is designated as its zoning officer.
ZONING ORDINANCE: The zoning ordinance of the village of Lake Villa, and the official zoning map pertaining thereto as the same may be amended from time to time. (Ord. 2015-03-02, 3-11-2015)