   (A)   It is unlawful for any person to drive or move or for the owner to cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved on any highway any vehicle or combination of vehicles which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person or property, or which does not contain those parts or is not at all times equipped with such lamps and other equipment in proper condition and adjustment as required in this chapter, or which is equipped in any manner in violation of this chapter, or for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required under this chapter.
   (B)   The provisions of this chapter with respect to equipment on vehicles shall not apply to implements of husbandry, road machinery, road rollers or farm tractors or to farm-wagon type trailers having a fertilizer spreader attachment permanently mounted thereon, having a gross weight of not to exceed 10,000 pounds and used only for the transportation of bulk fertilizer or to farm-wagon type tank trailers of not to exceed 1,200 gallons capacity, used during the liquid fertilizer season as field-storage “nurse tanks” supplying the fertilizer to a field applicator and moved on highways only for bringing the fertilizer from a local source of supply to farm or field or from one farm or field to another.
(Prior Code, § 40-2-101) Penalty, see § 74.999
   (A)   When upon any highway in this state, every motorcycle shall at all times exhibit at least one lighted lamp, showing a white light, commonly known as a driving lamp, visible for at least 500 feet in the direction the motorcycle is proceeding. All other motor vehicles shall, during the period from sunset to sunrise, or at any other time when visibility is so limited as to require the use of lights for safety, exhibit two such lighted driving lamps showing white lights, or lights of a yellow or amber tint, visible for at least 500 feet in the direction the motor vehicle is proceeding. Parking lamps may be used in addition to but not in lieu of any such driving lamps. Every motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer shall also exhibit at least two lighted lamps, commonly known as tail lamps, which shall be mounted on the left rear and right rear of the vehicle so as to throw a red light visible for at least 500 feet in the reverse direction, except that a motorcycle or a truck tractor or road tractor manufactured before January 1, 1968, need be equipped with only one such lamp.
   (B)   Either a tail lamp or a separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light a rear registration plate when required and render it clearly legible from a distance of 50 feet to the rear. Any tail lamp or tail lamps, together with any separate lamp or lamps for illuminating a rear registration plate, shall be so wired as to be lighted whenever the driving lamps or auxiliary driving lamps are lighted.
(Prior Code, § 40-2-201) Penalty, see § 74.999
   (A)   Every motor vehicle of the Second Division, the length of which together with any trailer or trailers in tow thereof, is more than 25 feet or the width of which is more than 30 inches exclusive of mirrors, bumpers and other required safety devices, while being operated on the highways of this state during the period from sunset to sunrise, shall display on the front of the vehicle two yellow or amber lights, one on each upper front corner of the vehicle, which shall be plainly visible at a distance of at least 500 feet; also on the rear thereof in a horizontal line, three red lights plainly visible at a distance of not less than 500 feet; also on the front of the body of that vehicle near the lower left-hand corner one yellow or amber tinted reflector, and near the lower right-hand corner one yellow or amber tinted reflector; also red reflectors on the rear of the body of that vehicle, not more than 12 inches from the lower left and right-hand corners. All motor vehicles of the Second Division more than 20 feet long, and all trailers and semi-trailers, except trailers and semi-trailers having a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less including the weight of the trailer and maximum load, while being operated on the highways of this state during the period from sunset to sunrise, shall display on each side of the vehicle at approximately the one-third points of the length of the same, at a height not exceeding five feet above the surface of the road, and reflecting on a line approximately at right angles to the centerline of the vehicle, two amber tinted reflectors. After January 1974, all new motor vehicles of the Second Division more than 20 feet long, and all trailers and semi-trailers except trailers and semi-trailers having a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less including the weight of the trailer and maximum load sold as new in this state, while being operated on the highways of this state during period from sunset to sunrise, shall display on each side of the vehicle, not more than 12 inches from the front, one amber tinted reflector, and not more than 12 inches from the rear one red reflector at a height not exceeding five feet above the surface of the road, and reflecting on a line approximately at right angles to the centerline of the vehicle, approved by the Department of Transportation.
   (B)   Every trailer and semi-trailer having a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less including the weight of the trailer and maximum load, towed either by a motor vehicle of the First Division or a motor vehicle of the Second Division shall be equipped with two red reflectors, which will be visible when hit by headlight beams 300 feet away at night, on the rear of the body of such trailer, not more than 12 inches from the lower left-hand and lower right-hand corners.
   (C)   Every vehicle designated in divisions (A) or (B) above that is manufactured after December 31, 1973, shall, at the places and times specified in divisions (A) or (B) above, display reflectors and clearance, identification and side marker lamps in conformance with the specifications prescribed by the Department.
(Prior Code, § 40-2-202) Penalty, see § 74.999
   (A)   During the period from sunset to sunrise every motorcycle or motor vehicle which is standing on any highway shall display a parking light on the front and at the rear of the same; however, any city, village or incorporated town may by ordinance, under rules and regulations it may prescribe, designate any part or parts of any street, or other highway under their jurisdiction, as parking places in which motorcycles and motor vehicles may be parked without having their lamps lighted, as otherwise required by this section.
   (B)   Any lighted driving lamps upon a parked vehicle shall be depressed or dimmed.
(Prior Code, § 40-2-203) Penalty, see § 74.999