§ 95.23 FEES.
   (A)   Except as otherwise provided, any person violating any provision of §§ 95.01 et seq. shall be fined not more than $750 for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
   (B)   Tree permit fees consist of $100 per permit.
   (C)   All tree permit bonds described in this chapter will be set at $1,000.
   (D)   Cash bonds described in this code will be set at $1,000 not including § 95.10 of this chapter.
   (E)   Cash bonds described in § 95.10 of this chapter will be set at $5,000.
   (F)   A separate offense shall be committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
   (G)   As stated in § 95.19, a reinspection fee of $75 will be applied to regain compliance.
   (H)   Any unpermitted work will be charged a fee of double the tree permit fee along with fees mentioned in this section for each tree and offense found guilty of.
   (I)   Replacement tree fees, in lieu of planting on the affected property in § 95.09 of this chapter, will be required to pay local nursery price for the amount of trees to be replaced to the Village of La Grange Park Tree Bank. Replacement trees are calculated by dividing the total DBH of the removed or damaged tree by 2.5, as 2.5 inches DBH is the Village of La Grange Park's standard for newly planted trees. Replacement trees should be the same genus removed or damaged.
(Ord. 1178, passed 6-29-22; Ord. 1235, passed 11-26-24)