(A)   It is required that tree replacement species come from the acceptable species list. The acceptable species list is provided in the Urban Forest Management Plan.
   (B)   Any tree which is required to be removed or which has been damaged shall require a bond to be posted until adequate replacements or remediation can be made. The bond amount is identified in the Fees, § 95.23, of the chapter. Determination of extent of damage is at the sole discretion of the governmental entity.
   (C)   Any tree species removed, six-inch DBH or six-inch group of trees, which is not identified on the invasive species list, but is identified on the acceptable species list, is required for replacement by this section. These trees shall be replaced based on the calculation of one replacement tree for every 2.5 inches of the total DBH of the removed tree or group of trees. All replacements shall be located appropriately as confirmed by a certified arborist and as approved by the village.
   (D)   When a tree removal is required as a result of any project, tree replacement shall occur within the landscape season. In the event of weather conditions or species specific needs which prohibit proper replacement of a tree, the village may issue written notice of an extension of up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant. If an extension is awarded to the applicant, the applicant shall notify the village when replacement is complete. If, after the 30 day or awarded 180-day extension, the tree is not replaced or the applicant has not notified the village that installation is complete, all bonds shall be forfeited and the bond money shall be placed in the Tree Bank. Tree removal requirements associated with a development project can be found in the Development Section of the Code.
   (E)   All tree replacement plantings shall require an underground utility location prior to planting.
   (F)   If the property where a removal has taken place does not have adequate space to plant a replacement tree, then the applicant shall be required to pay the village a dollar amount as identified in the Fees section of the chapter. Funds shall be placed in the Tree Bank for tree replacement or tree care in another area of the village.
   (G)   It shall be encouraged that any species identified on the invasive species list be removed. There is no replacement requirement for these removals.
(Ord. 1178, passed 6-29-22)