A.   Public And Private Roads:
      1.   Roads Within Subdivisions:
         a.   Roads in major subdivisions shall comply with the "Highway Standards For The Associated Highway Districts Of Kootenai County, Idaho" ("the standards"). Such roads may be dedicated as public roads to the highway district with jurisdiction. Otherwise, the director shall verify that all private roads comply with the standards, and those roads shall be dedicated to the maintenance entity.
         b.   Roads in minor subdivisions or condominiums which provide legal and physical access to five (5) or more parcels shall comply with the standards. Such roads may be dedicated as public roads to the highway district with jurisdiction. Otherwise, the director shall verify that those roads comply with the standards, and those roads shall be dedicated to the maintenance entity.
         c.   When future access may be needed to adjacent parcels of land, roads within a major subdivision, minor subdivision, or condominium shall extend to the property line of the subdivision or condominium unless topography or other factors make continuation of the road impossible or impracticable.
      2.   Roads Connecting Subdivisions To Public Roads:
         a.   If a new road is to be constructed between a major subdivision and the nearest existing public road, the road shall comply with the standards. If an existing private road will connect a major subdivision to the nearest existing public road, the road must be brought into compliance with the standards. The road may be dedicated as a public road to the highway district with jurisdiction. Otherwise, the director shall verify that the road complies with the standards, and the road shall be dedicated to the maintenance entity.
         b.   If a new road is to be constructed between a minor subdivision or condominium and the nearest existing public or private road, the road shall comply with the standards. If the road will connect to an existing public road, it may be dedicated as a public road to the highway district with jurisdiction. Otherwise, the director shall verify that the road complies with the standards, and the road shall be dedicated to the maintenance entity.
         c.   If an existing private road will connect a minor subdivision or condominium to the nearest existing public road, the road must meet, or must be brought into compliance with, the standards set forth in the then current international fire code as adopted pursuant to title 7, chapter 1 of this code.
      3.   Verification Of Compliance With Highway District Standards:
         a.   If the director finds that the road complies with the standards and that it complies with the requirements of this section, the director shall approve the road and shall give final approval to any associated permits.
         b.   The director may seek a recommendation from the highway district in which the road is located as to whether a newly constructed private road complies with the standards.
         c.   If the director, upon recommendation of the highway district, determines that a road should be approved with a variance, exception or deviation from the standards, the road will be deemed to comply with the standards for purposes of this chapter and section 8.4.201 of this title.
      4.   Private Roads: Subdivision and condominium plats which depict private roads shall include a notation stating that the private roads depicted on the plat will not be maintained by any highway district, and that there are no guarantees, warranties or promises that the highway district with jurisdiction will ever assume maintenance of such roads.
   B.   Common Driveways:
      1.   The board, or the director in the case of a minor subdivision or condominium, may approve a privately maintained common driveway as the means of access to new lots upon the following findings:
         a.   The common driveway will provide legal and physical access to four (4) or fewer parcels;
         b.   A road through the land proposed for subdivision is not appropriate or necessary to provide access to private lands lying adjacent to or beyond the subdivision;
         c.   Access through the land is not now necessary, nor will it be necessary in the future, to provide continuity of public roads with functional grades and design; and
         d.   The lots being created will not be further subdivided, and no additional access to the driveway will be allowed, until it is constructed in accordance with this chapter and with the standards or any variance, exception or deviation from the standards which has been approved by the highway district with jurisdiction. The board may require a restriction on the plat, or the recordation of a public covenant in favor of the county and the highway district, to ensure compliance with this requirement.
      2.   Common driveways are a required infrastructure improvement, and shall be constructed prior to final approval of a major subdivision, or recordation of a minor subdivision or condominium plat, unless a financial guarantee which complies with the requirements set forth in section 8.6.711 of this article and section 8.6.903 of this chapter is provided, in which case they shall be constructed prior to issuance of noninfrastructure building permits. Common driveways shall be constructed in accordance with section 8.4.201 of this title.
   C.   Connectivity: Roads, trails and sidewalks in subdivisions shall be designed to complement and enhance existing transportation systems so as to create an integrated network that allows for the safe and efficient movement of people within the subdivision, to adjacent subdivisions, and to nearby commercial areas, schools, places of worship, and other community facilities. Roads shall be designed with as many connections as possible, and with relatively direct routes in and out of the subdivision, without running traffic through previously established neighborhoods. Cul-de-sacs are discouraged, but may be approved where natural or built features preclude connection to existing or future roads. A newly developed dead end road shall not serve more than twenty five (25) parcels. Where feasible, subdivisions shall have at least two (2) means of emergency access which comply with the standards set forth in section 8.4.201 of this title, or alternatively, those of the fire protection district with jurisdiction. When future access may be needed to adjacent parcels of land, road and trail rights of way shall extend to the property lines of the subdivision. Roads and trails shall be designed to minimize conflict between vehicles and pedestrians.
   D.   Stream And Wetland Protection Buffers: Roads shall not be constructed within stream and wetland protection buffers, except for crossings which comply with the standards set forth in section 8.6.708 of this article.
   E.   Road Names, Signing, And Addressing: All road names, identification signs, and addressing shall comply with the provisions of chapter 4, article 4.10 of this title, and the applicable requirements of the highway district with jurisdiction.
   F.   Pedestrian And Bicycle Access:
      1.   Off road trails, lanes or walkways may be required:
         a.   If shown on a bicycle facilities plan adopted by the public highway agency with jurisdiction;
         b.   Along through streets in subdivisions within one and one-half (11/2) miles of a school, park, bicycle trail, recreational area, or community facility; or
         c.   When necessary to ensure the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.
      2.   The trail shall be designed to serve the intended use, and except for bicycle lanes, shall be separated from the road by a vegetation strip at least five feet (5') wide. If there is no direct route through a subdivision, or if cul-de-sacs are proposed, one or more trails may be required to provide short, direct routes for pedestrians. For safety, trails should be located in close proximity to and visible from homes and streets. If a trail or walkway is required, an easement or right of way must be dedicated or conveyed in conformance with section 8.6.705 of this article. (Ord. 493, 6-9-2016; amd. Ord. 546, 10-17-2019)