A.   Flood Zones: If any portion of the subdivision, or any infrastructure which will serve the subdivision, is located within a special flood hazard area, the plat and development plans shall comply with the standards set forth in chapter 7, article 7.2 of this title.
   B.   Subdivisions In Viewsheds: Mountain and water views and vistas are an important part of the character of Kootenai County, contributing to the visual quality of the area, increasing property values, attracting visitors, and enhancing the desirability and livability of the community. As such, it is in the public interest that land be developed in a manner that is visually unobtrusive, environmentally responsible, and is compatible with the character of the area.
      1.   Subdivisions with lots of less than five (5) acres and natural slopes of thirty five percent (35%) or greater must be designed to fit the houses, structures and roads into and around the hillside in a manner that minimizes disturbance of the terrain, vegetation and drainageways, that will not result in soil erosion, and that is compatible with the natural characteristics of the area.
      2.   If the vertical height of any cut or fill slope, or any combination thereof, will exceed thirty feet (30'), effective measures must be taken to mitigate the visibility of the slope.
   C.   Stream And Wetland Protection Buffers: When a subdivision abuts a stream or wetland, a stream or wetland protection buffer must be reserved and shown on supplemental pages to the plat. The purpose of this area is to protect downstream property owners and water resources from increased or decreased flows, to prevent sedimentation, to promote good water quality, and to protect fish and wildlife habitat. Stream and wetland protection buffers shall comply with the following requirements:
      1.   Depiction Of Buffers:
         a.   The width of stream and wetland protection buffers shall be as set forth in table 6-701 of this section.
      TABLE 6-701
Waterway Type
Required Width
Class I streams
75 feet from the ordinary high water mark
Class II streams
30 feet from the ordinary high water mark
Determined by the board based on a wetland analysis
         b.   The area shall be labeled "Stream (Or Wetland, As Applicable) Protection Buffer", and within this area native vegetation and large organic debris shall be protected or replanted to leave the area in the most natural condition possible.
      2.   Road And Utility Crossings:
         a.   Proposed road and utility crossings through a stream or wetland protection buffer must be shown on the plat, must be kept to a minimum, and must take the shortest possible route across the area.
         b.   Roads and utilities shall not be constructed within stream and wetland protection buffers except at approved crossings.
      3.   Maintenance: Any necessary maintenance shall comply with the standards set forth in chapter 7, article 7.1 of this title, and with applicable best management practices.
      4.   Fences, Walkways, Stairway Landings, And Trams: Fences, walkways which do not exceed four feet (4') in width, stairway landings which do not exceed six feet (6') in length or width, and trams may be constructed in such protection buffers, providing there is minimal disturbance of the ground and vegetation.
      5.   Easements: The board may require that this area be shown as an easement or a conservation easement.
   D.   Shoreline Management Areas: When a subdivision abuts a shoreline, the shoreline management area must be reserved and shown on the plan. Activities within the shoreline management area shall be limited to those set forth in chapter 7, article 7.1 of this title, and shall also be in conformance with applicable best management practices. (Ord. 493, 6-9-2016; amd. Ord. 546, 10-17-2019)