Illicit Discharge Control
54.01 Introduction; purpose
54.02 Definitions
54.03 Applicability
54.04 Authority
54.05 Discharge prohibitions
54.06 Suspension of MS4 access
54.07 Inspection and monitoring of discharges
54.08 Requirement to prevent, control, and reduce stormwater pollutants by the use of Best Management Practices
54.09 Watercourse protection
54.10 Notification of spills
54.11 Notice of violation
54.12 Enforcement
54.13 Appeals
54.14 Remedies not exclusive
Post Construction Stormwater Management
54.25 Introduction; purpose
54.26 Definitions
54.27 Authority
54.28 Requirements
54.29 Notice of violation
54.30 Enforcement
54.31 Appeals