(A)   A junk automobile, for the purpose of this section, shall be any vehicle with such present value that it would not be economical to repair or restore it. An unoperational automobile, for the purpose of this section, shall be an automobile incapable of moving under its own power without repair or in an abandoned status.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any owner of any property in the corporate limits to permit a vehicle not having a current motor vehicle license, unoperational as defined in division (A) or upon which property taxes have not been paid, to be brought upon or remain upon his property other than a licensed new or used car dealer.
   (C)   A garage, salvage shop or wrecking yard may store unoperational vehicles on its premises for a period not to exceed 90 days provided that the area used to store such vehicles has fencing or other such barriers to conceal the vehicles from the publics view.
   (D)   Any garage, salvage shop or wrecking yard has 90 days from the operative date of Ord. 2001-18 (eff. 1-28-02) to comply with division (C).
('86 Code, § 18.410) (Am. Ord. 2001-18, passed 1-28-02; Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 3-15-04) Penalty, see § 72.99