Whenever an application for a building permit is made, the Chief Building Official may, if he or she finds it necessary to determine whether building work described in the application will comply with the laws pertaining to such work, require that the applicant file a written description or drawing of the proposed building as may be prepared for the purpose. If such drawing or description is insufficient for the purposes of determining whether a permit should be issued, the Building Official may require the applicant to file complete architectural and engineering plans and specifications for such building, or any part thereof, as may be necessary for the Inspector to determine compliance with this article. The filing of such plans and specifications and the approval thereof in connection with an application for a permit shall not in any way affect the authority of the city to deny or issue a permit, or to inspect any building work for conformity with this article.
(a) The fee for a building permit shall be as approved by the governing body and listed in the latest City of Kingman Schedule of Fees.
(b) The fee herein shall be paid to the City Clerk upon obtaining a building permit and the same shall be credited to the General Operating Fund of the city.
(2010 Code, § 4-213) (Ord. 1861, passed - -)
A copy of the building permit shall be kept on the premises for public inspection during the performance of the work and until the completion of the same. The Building Inspector may require a certified copy of the approved plans to be kept on the premises at all times from the commencement of the work to the completion thereof.
Upon the completion of any work under a building permit, the Chief Building Official or the Building Inspector or his or her designee is authorized to issue a certificate of approval for the occupancy and use of the building or structure. The certificate shall show the number of inspections made and the orders and corrections required during the course of the work. A copy of such certificate shall be given the owner.
(a) The contractor or builder having a permit for new construction, or additions to existing buildings, shall notify the Chief Building Official or Building Inspector immediately upon the marking or laying out of the site and foundation for such work. The Official or Inspector shall inspect the layout for conformity with this article and with respect to lot lines, setbacks and location of the proposed buildings to determine conformity with the city zoning regulations. In case of doubt respecting the required location, the Chief Building Official may require an official survey of the lot lines to determine conformity, at the expense of the permit holder.
(b) Upon completion of the excavation for the building foundation and footings and the construction of the necessary forms thereof and before the foundation and footings are poured or laid, the Official or Inspector shall be notified as in the first case, and it shall be his or her duty to inspect all such work for conformity with laws respecting location of the building foundations and footings.
(c) The Building Inspector shall, during the course of all building, make such other inspections as may be directed by the Chief Building Official to be made during any successive stage of the construction or other work covered by a permit in order to secure compliance with laws pertaining thereto.
Upon the completion of any building construction work covered by this article, it shall be the duty of the person doing such work to notify the Building Inspector and request that it be inspected; after which such work shall be inspected promptly as hereinafter provided.