4-401 Definition
4-402 International Plumbing Code incorporated
4-402A International Mechanical Code incorporated
4-403 Additional provisions
4-404 Building Official; authority
4-405 Plumbing Inspector; appointment
4-406 Same; duties
4-407 Same; powers
4-408 Same; right of entry
4-409 Clarification; modification
4-410 Plumbing permit required; exception
4-411 Same; application information required
4-412 Same; plans and specifications
4-413 Same; fees
4-414 Same; posting
4-415 Request for inspection
4-416 Inspection; concealment of prior work
4-417 Inspection fee
4-418 Certificate of approval
4-419 Connection to gas or water supply
4-420 Condemnation; appeal
4-421 Plumber or plumbing contractor; defined
4-422 Plumber’s or plumbing contractor’s license required; plumbing permits; unlawful acts
4-423 Same; application; granting
4-424 Same; license fees; conditions; renewal; unlawful acts
4-425 Reserved
4-426 Insurance
4-427 License suspension; revocation; appeal; unlawful acts
4-428 Excavations
4-429 Work by property owners
4-430 Approved materials
4-431 Liability
4-432 Severability