(A)   Applicability.
      (1)   Unless specifically exempt, all existing and proposed development shall provide off-street parking and loading facilities in accordance with this section. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until these parking requirements and regulations have been met.
      (2)   With the exception of a restriping of a parking area or other vehicular use area which does not result in a reconfiguration of the parking spaces, any modification to existing off-street parking and loading facilities shall conform to the requirements of this section.
      (3)   No land with more than 5 parking spaces shall be developed as a parking area or parking garage without an approved site plan issued in accordance with § 156.707.
      (4)   Buildings and uses lawfully existing as of the effective date of this chapter may be redeveloped, renovated or repaired without providing additional off-street parking and loading facilities, providing there is no increase in gross floor area or change in use of existing floor area that would increase parking demands.
      (5)   Where a building existed as of the effective date of this chapter, and such building is enlarged in gross floor area or impervious area by 10% or 2,000 square feet, whichever is less, off-street parking and loading as specified in this section shall be required for the enlarged area.
      (6)   A change in use of a building or use existing as of the effective date of this chapter shall require additional off-street parking and loading facilities to comply with the requirements of this section for the new use unless:
         (a)   The building is less than 2,000 square feet in floor area; or
         (b)   The new use has the same parking requirement or a lesser requirement than the previous one.
      (7)   In the Central Business District, the Planning Director may allow a new use to be established, even if all off-street parking and loading requirements of this section cannot be met for the new use, provided that as much off-street parking and loading as can reasonably be provided is provided by the use, and no foreseeable traffic congestion problems will be created.
   (B)   How to use this section. This section is divided into the following:
      (1)   Part 1. Off-Street Parking:      § 156.401(C)
      (2)   Part 2. Off-Street Stacking   :   § 156.401(D)
      (3)   Part 3. Off-Street Loading:      § 156.401(E)
   (C)   Off-street parking; requirements.
      (1)   Calculation of parking ratios.
         (a)   Developments containing more than 1 use shall provide parking spaces in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all uses.
         (b)   Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be construed to be the  next highest whole number.
         (c)   The parking space requirements for a use not specifically listed in the table below shall be the same as for the listed use deemed most similar to the proposed use by the Planning Director.
         (d)   In residential districts in which garage space is provided, the garage space may be considered in determining whether required parking has been met.
      (2)   Parking ratios.
         (a)   Minimum. The following minimum off-street parking ratios shall be applicable to all general use zoning districts. Where in the opinion of the applicant, a listed ratio requires too much or too little parking, the applicant may provide an alternative parking plan with data submitted in support of higher or lower ratios (see § 156.401).
Residential Uses
Residential Uses
Single-family detached
Zero lot line
Manufactured home
All uses
2 per unit
Upper-story residential
1 bedroom
2 bedroom
3+ bedroom
1.25 per unit
1.50 per unit
1.75 per unit
2.00 per unit
Manufactured home park
2 per unit + 1 visitor space per 4 units
Civic Uses
Adult care home (2 to 6 adults)
Adult care home (7 to 12 adults)
Adult care home (13+ adults)
Boarding house
All uses
2 per unit + 1 per 4 bedrooms
Child care home (3 to 8 children)
Child care center (9+ children)
All uses
1 per employee
- -
6 per classroom + 1 per 300 SF of office area + 1 per 5 seats in any auditorium or similar facility
Civic club
- -
1 per 500 SF of GFA
- -
1 per 2  beds
Museum, library
- -
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Nursing home
- -
1 per 5 beds
Park, open area*
All uses
As determined by Planning Director
Place of worship
- -
1 per 8 seats in largest assembly room
Public safety facility
- -
As determined by Planning Director
School (public or private)
Elementary/Junior High
High School
1 per classroom + 1 per 300 SF of office area
6 per classroom + 1 per 300 SF of office area + 1 per 5 seats in any auditorium or similar facility
Technical, trade or business school
- -
6 per classroom + 1 per 300 SF of office area + 1 per 5 seats in any auditorium or similar facility
Utility, minor*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Utility, major*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Wireless telecommunications facility
- -
As determined by Planning Director
Commercial Uses
Adult-oriented business
- -
1 per 100 SF of seating area
Agriculture (involving livestock)*
All uses
As determined by Planning Director
Commercial Uses (Con’td)
Commercial Uses (Con’td)
Agriculture (sales and processing)*
All uses
As determined by Planning Director
Artist studio, gallery
- -
1 per 400 SF of GFA
Bed and Breakfast
- -
1 per unit + 1 per guest room
- -
As determined by Planning Director
Club, private
- -
1 per 500 SF of GFA
Contractor’s office
- -
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Funeral home
- -
1 per 8 seats in largest assembly room
Gas station with convenience retail
- -
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Hotel, motel
- -
1 per guest room + 200 SF of conference/banquet/restauran t area
Indoor recreation (commercial)*
Bowling alley
All other uses
3 per lane
1 per 250 SF of GFA
- -
1 per 250 SF of GFA of office area
Manufacturing, limited*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Newspaper publisher
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Office, general*
All other uses
1 per 250 SF of GFA
1 per 400 SF of GFA
Office, medical*
All uses
1 per 250 SF of GFA
Outdoor recreation (commercial)
Golf course
All other uses
1 per campsite
2 per hole + 1 per 200 FGA
As determined by Planning Director
Radio or television studio
- -
1 per 300 SF of GFA
Recreational club, private
- -
1 per 500 SF of GFA
- -
1 per 100 SF of GFA
Retail, neighborhood*
All uses
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Retail, general*
All uses
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Self-storage facility
- -
Minimum 5 + 1 per 100 storage units
Service, neighborhood*
All uses
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Service, general*
All uses
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Vehicle repair*
All uses
3 per service bay
Vehicle sales*
All uses
1 per 500 SF of GFA
Vehicle service*
Car wash
All other uses
1 per wash bay
3 per bay
Veterinarian, animal hospital
- -
1 per 250 SF of GFA
Warehouse and freight movement*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Industrial Uses
- -
1 per 8 seats in largest assembly room
Manufacturing, general*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Manufacturing, heavy*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Research and development*
All uses
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Waste service*
All uses
1 per 500 SF of GFA + 1 per 5,000 SF of outside storage area
   * = Group of Uses (§ 156.300)
         (b)   Maximum.
            1.   No use shall provide more than 110% of the required parking shown in the table above unless any parking above the 110% threshold is pervious or is provided through use of structured parking.
            2.   Where a project is intended to be developed in phases, the Planning Board may approve development of a parking area intended to serve current and future development.
         (c)   Modifications. The Planning Director may reduce the required number of spaces by up to 5% if for reasons of topography, mixes of uses, ride sharing programs, availability of transit, or other conditions specific to the site, provided the reduction in the required number of parking spaces satisfies the intent of this chapter.
      (3)   Design standards.
         (a)   Kenly general design guidelines. Additional considerations may be outlined in the Kenly General Design Guidelines.
         (b)   Dimensions.
            1.   Parking space sizes shall be governed by the following dimensions:
               Parallel stall                  20 feet x 9 feet
               Angle stall                  19 feet x 9 feet
               Ninety-degree stall               19 feet x 9 feet
               Handicapped stall               19 feet x 12.5 feet
            2.   Minimum aisle widths shall be as follows:
Aisle Width in Feet
Parking Angle
One-Way Traffic
Two-Way Traffic
24 (0 degrees only)
16-37 degrees
- -
38-57 degrees
- -
58-74 degrees
- -
75-90 degrees
            3.   The maximum grade permitted for any required parking shall not exceed 8%.
            4.   Parking spaces using geometric standards other than those specified above may be approved if developed and sealed by a registered engineer with expertise in parking facility design subject to a determination by the Public Works Director, that the proposed facility will satisfy off-street parking requirements as adequately as would a facility using those specified above.
         (c)   Surfacing.
            1.   Surfacing required. Except as provided below, where off-street facilities are provided for parking or any other vehicular use area, they shall be surfaced with asphalt bituminous, concrete or dustless material approved by the Public Works Director and shall be maintained in a smooth, well-graded condition.
            2.   Grass lawn parking.
               a.   Grass lawn or other pervious parking surfaces may be permitted for specific uses as set forth below, provided they are approved by the Public Works Director. Where provided, such alternative parking surfaces shall be maintained in a smooth, well-graded condition. If parking demand is such that the grass or lawn is caused to be damaged or destroyed to the extent that it ceases to grow, then paving of such an area in accordance with this section may be required.
               b.   All driveways, access aisles and parking spaces (excluding handicapped) may be surfaced with grass lawn for the following:
                  (i)   Uses which require parking on an average of less than 5 days per week during a month;
                  (ii)   Schools and churches; and
                  (iii)   Parks, playgrounds, ballfields, football and baseball stadiums, fairgrounds, and other similar outdoor recreation areas.
         (d)   Landscaping. Off-street parking areas in excess of 1,500 square feet or 5 spaces shall provide landscaped areas in accordance with the following requirements.
            1.   Perimeter screening.
               a.   All parking areas and other vehicular use areas with frontage on any portion of an existing public right-of-of way shall provide a parking buffer as set forth in § 156.402.
               b.   The perimeter of all parking areas and other vehicular use areas adjacent to residentially-zoned property shall provide a Class C buffer (see § 156.402).
            2.   Interior landscaping.
               a.   Interior islands. An interior landscaped island shall be provided for every 10 spaces. Each island shall contain a minimum of 200 square feet with a minimum width of 8 feet inside the curb and include a minimum of 1 tree with a minimum caliper of 2½ inches. Planting islands shall be evenly distributed throughout the parking area, with no parking space located more than 100 feet from a planting island. Interior islands may be consolidated or intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees where approved by the Planning Director.
               b.   Terminal islands. All rows of spaces shall terminate in a curbed landscaped island. Each island shall conform to the specifications described in division a. above.
               c.   Median islands. A median island with a minimum width of 8 feet inside the curb shall be sited between every 6 single parking rows and along primary internal and external access drives. Median intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees, where approved by the Planning Director.
         (e)   Markings. Each parking stall shall be marked off and maintained so as to be distinguishable.
         (f)   Lighting. Where off-street facilities are provided for parking or any other vehicular use area adequate outdoor lighting shall be provided. Lighting shall be so arranged as to direct the light and glare away from streets and adjacent property (see § 156.404).
         (g)   Yards. All parking lots shall observe a minimum front yard of not less than 5 feet, and a side yard on a corner lot of not less than 5 feet. Parking lots in residential districts shall have front yards of not less than 15 feet and side and rear yards of not less than 5 feet.
         (h)   Curbs.
            1.   All landscaping in or adjacent to a vehicular use area shall be protected from vehicular damage by a raised concrete curb 6 inches in height or equivalent barrier, however, the barrier need not be continuous.
            2.   Landscaped areas adjacent to parking areas shall be landscaped so that no plant material greater that 12 inches in height will be located within 2 feet of the curb or other protective barrier.
         (i)   Separation from walkways and streets. In the event any parking area abuts a walkway, sidewalk, or street, the parking area shall be separated by curbing or other protective device with a minimum distance of 3½ feet between the protective device and the edge of the walkway.
         (j)   Drainage. Parking lots shall not drain onto or across public sidewalks or into adjacent property, except into a natural watercourse or a drainage easement. In already developed areas where this condition would be impossible to meet, the Public Works Director may exempt the applicant from this requirement, provided that adequate provision is made for drainage.
         (k)   Entrances and exits. On all corner lots, all vehicular openings shall be located at least 20 feet from the point of intersection of established right-of-way lines. No entrance and exit, whether or not on a corner lot, shall exceed 30 feet in width at the property line or 40 feet in width at the curb line. There shall be a minimum distance between driveways of 25 feet, measured along the curb line, unless such driveways are less than 5 feet apart.
      (4)   Alternative parking plans.
         (a)   General. The Planning Board may modify the parking requirements of this section (beyond that permitted by § 156.401) where applicant-submitted parking data, prepared and sealed by a registered engineer in the State North of Carolina with transportation expertise, illustrates that the standards of this section do not accurately apply to a specific development. The data submitted for an alternative parking plan shall include, at a minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the mix of uses, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads of all uses.
         (b)   On-street parking. The Planning Director may approve on-street parking spaces located immediately abutting the subject parcel, entirely within the extension of the side lot lines into the roadway, and not within any required clear sight triangle may be counted toward meeting off-street parking requirements.
         (c)   Off-site parking. The Planning Director may approve the location of required off-street parking spaces on a separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located if the off-site parking complies with all of the following standards.
            1.   Ineligible activities. Off-site parking may not be used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements for residential uses (except for guest parking), as well as convenience stores or other convenience-oriented uses. Required parking spaces reserved for persons with disabilities may not be located off-site.
            2.   Location. Off-site parking spaces shall be located within 750 feet from the primary entrance of the use served unless shuttle bus service is provided to the remote parking area. Off-site parking may not be separated from the use that it serves by a street right-of-way with a width of more than 80 feet unless a grade-separated pedestrian walkway is provided, or other traffic control or shuttle bus service is provided to the off-site parking area.
            3.   Zoning classification. Off-site parking areas serving uses located in non-residential districts shall be located in non-residential districts. Off-site parking areas serving uses located in residential districts may be located in residential or non-residential districts.
            4.   Agreement.
               a.   In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, a written agreement between the record owners shall be required.
               b.   The owner of the off-site parking area shall enter into a written agreement with the town, with enforcement running to the town, providing that the land comprising the parking area shall never be disposed of except in conjunction with the sale of the building which the parking area serves so long as the facilities are required; and that the owner agrees to bear the expense of recording the agreement and such agreement shall bind his or her heirs, successors, and assigns.
               c.   An off-site parking agreement may be rescinded only if all required off-street parking spaces will be provided in accordance with this section.
         (d)   Shared parking. The Planning Director may allow shared parking facilities if the shared parking complies with all of the following standards:
            1.   Ineligible activities. Shared parking may not be used to satisfy the off-street parking standards for upper-story residential uses. Required parking spaces reserved for persons with disabilities may not be located off-site.
            2.   Location. Shared parking spaces shall be located within 750 feet of the primary entrance of all uses served, unless shuttle bus service is provided to the parking area.
            3.   Zoning classification. Shared parking areas serving uses located in non-residential districts shall be located in non-residential districts. Shared parking areas serving uses located in residential districts may be located in residential or non-residential districts. Shared parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the most intensive of the uses served by the shared parking area.
            4.   Shared parking study. Applicants wishing to use shared parking as a means of satisfying off-street parking requirements shall submit a shared parking analysis to the Planning Director that clearly demonstrates the feasibility of shared parking. The study shall be provided in a form established by the Planning Director and made available to the public. It shall address, at minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing off-street parking spaces.
            5.   Agreement.
               a.   A shared parking plan will be enforced through written agreement among all owners of record. An attested copy of the agreement between the owners of record shall be submitted to the Planning Director on forms made available by the Planning Director.
               b.   A shared parking agreement may be rescinded only if all required off-street parking spaces will be provided in accordance with this section.
         (e)   Valet parking. The Planning Director may approve valet parking as a means of satisfying otherwise applicable off-street parking requirements where all of the following standards have been met:
            1.   Adequate assurance of the continued operation of the valet parking is provided, such as a contractual agreement for valet services or the tenant's affidavit agreeing to provide such services;
            2.   An equivalent number of valet spaces are available to replace the required parking spaces. Such valet spaces do not require individual striping, and may take into account the tandem or mass parking of vehicles. All valet parking areas visible from the public right-of-way shall meet the requirements of § 156.402.
            3.   Valet parking drop-off locations shall meet the requirements of § 156.401; and
            4.   The design of the valet parking shall not cause customers who do not use the valet service to park off-premise or cause queuing in the right-of-way.
         (f)   Recording of approved plans. An attested copy of an approved alternative parking plan shall be recorded in the deed records for Johnston County on forms made available by the Planning Director. An alternative parking plan may be amended by following the same procedure required for  the original approval. The applicant shall provide proof of recording prior to approval of the certificate of occupancy.
         (g)   Violations. Violations of an approved alternative parking plan constitute a violation of this chapter and will be subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions of § 156.720.
   (D)   Off-street stacking requirements. The following vehicle stacking standards shall apply unless otherwise expressly approved by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director may require additional stacking spaces where trip generation rates suggest that additional spaces will be needed.
      (1)   Minimum number of spaces. Off-street stacking spaces shall be provided as follows:
Minimum Spaces
Measured From
Minimum Spaces
Measured From
Automated teller machine
Bank teller lane
Teller or window
Car lubrication stall
Entrance to stall
Car wash stall, automated
Entrance to wash bay
Car wash stall, hand-operated
Entrance to wash bay
Day care drop off
Passenger loading area
Gasoline pump island
Pump island
Parking area, controlled entrance
Key code box
Restaurant drive-thru
Order box
Restaurant drive-thru
Order box to pick-up window
Valet parking
Valet stand
School drop-off (public and private)
Determined by Public Works Director
Determined by Public Works Director
      (2)   Design and layout. Required stacking spaces are subject to the following design and layout standards:
         (a)   Dimensions. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of 8 feet by 20 feet in size.
         (b)   Location. Stacking spaces shall not impede on- or off-site traffic movements or movements into or out of off-street parking spaces.
         (c)   Design. Stacking spaces shall be separated from other internal driveways by raised medians if deemed necessary by the Public Works Director for traffic movement and safety.
   (E)   Off-street loading requirements.
      (1)   Loading facilities required.
         (a)   As determined by the Planning Director, off-street loading facilities shall be required for uses that regularly handle large quantities of goods. Loading facilities shall be of sufficient quantity to adequately serve the proposed use.
         (b)   Any vehicle sales or rental facility or similar use requiring delivery of vehicles by truck shall demonstrate adequate on-site area exists for the loading and unloading of such trucks.
         (c)   Any convenience store or similar use requiring deliveries by truck shall demonstrate adequate on-site area exists for the loading and unloading of such trucks.
      (2)   Design and layout.
         (a)   Loading and unloading activity shall not be permitted in any public right-of-way. In no case shall loading and unloading activity encroach on or interfere with the public use of streets, sidewalks, and lanes by automotive vehicles or pedestrians. Adequate space shall  be made available for the unloading and loading of goods, materials, items or stock for delivery and shipping.
         (b)   Where off-street loading facilities are provided, they shall be not less than 15 feet in width by 40 feet in length, with not less than 15 feet of vertical clearance.
         (c)   Hours of loading and unloading operation adjacent to ground floor residential uses shall be limited between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Loading  docks  shall  be  signed  to indicate "no idling."
      (3)   Screening. All loading areas shall be screened in accordance with § 156.402.
(Ord. passed 6- -2019)