(A)   Grouping of uses. As set forth in the Permitted Land Use Table (see § 156.202) certain uses are grouped together based on common functional, product, or physical characteristics. Characteristics include the type and amount of activity, the type of customers, how goods or services are sold or delivered, likely impact on surrounding properties, and site conditions. Grouping uses provides a systematic basis for assigning uses to appropriate general use districts. Any use not specifically set forth in this chapter is expressly prohibited, unless determined otherwise as set forth in division (F) below.
   (B)   Uses not grouped. As set forth in the Permitted Land Use Table (see § 156.202), due to their specific nature and characteristics, certain uses have not been grouped. Individual uses may be defined in § 156.802.
   (C)   Civic use groups.
      (1)   Parks and open areas. Uses focusing on natural areas consisting mostly of open vegetation, passive or active outdoor recreation areas, or community gardens, and having few structures. Parks and open areas shall include the following: tot lot and playgrounds; mini-parks; plazas; squares; greens; neighborhood parks; botanical gardens; nature preserves and recreation trails; or any similar use.
      (2)   Utility, major. A large-scale utility such as a water or wastewater treatment plant, water tower, electrical generation plant, or transmission facility or any similar use.
      (3)   Utility, minor. All utility facilities not considered major, including, but not limited to neighborhood-serving facilities such as pump stations, telephone exchanges, lift stations, and stormwater detention facilities, or any similar use.
   (D)   Commercial use groups.
      (1)   Agriculture. Characterized by uses that create or preserve areas intended primarily for the raising of animals and crops, conservation, and the secondary industries associated with agricultural  production. Agriculture shall include the following: animal raising, including horses, hogs, cows, sheep, goats, and swine, poultry, rabbits, and other small animals, apiculture, aquaculture, dairying, personal or commercial animal breeding and development; floriculture, horticulture, pasturage, row and field
crops, viticulture, tree or sod farm, silviculture; animal boarding, outdoor;  livestock auction; milk processing plant; packing house for fruits or vegetables; plant nursery; plant nursery with landscape supply; retail or wholesale sales of agriculturally-related supplies and equipment; stable; or any similar use.
      (2)   Indoor recreation. Amusement or recreational activities carried on wholly within a building, including dance hall, theater, health club and activities of a similar nature. This does not include an adult-oriented business or amusement center.
      (3)   Manufacturing, limited. A facility conducting light manufacturing operations within a fully-enclosed building, generally serviced by trucks no longer than 24 feet in length. Limited manufacturing shall include the following: bulk mailing service; clothing or textile manufacturing; manufacture or assembly of equipment, instruments (including musical instruments), appliances, precision items,  and electrical items; printing, publishing, and lithography; production of artwork and toys; sign-making; building maintenance service; exterminator; movie production facility; photo-finishing laboratory; repair of scientific or professional instruments and electric motors; sheet metal; welding, machine, tool repair shop or studio; woodworking, including cabinet makers and furniture manufacturing; or any similar use.
      (4)   Office, general. A facility generally focusing on business, government, professional or financial services. General office shall include the following: advertising office; bank; business management consulting; data processing; financial business such as lender, investment or brokerage house; collection agency; real estate or insurance agent; professional service such as lawyer, accountant, bookkeeper, engineer, or architect; sales office, travel agency or any similar use.
      (5)   Office, medical. A medical facility in which a doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner or similar medial provider treats or counsels patients.
      (6)   Outdoor recreation. Any recreational facility where activity takes place primarily outdoors, including miniature golf courses, batting cages, swimming pool, driving range or a similar facility.
      (7)   Retail, general. A facility involved in the wholesale or retail sale, lease, or rental of new or used products to through traffic as well as the surrounding neighborhood. General retail shall include the selling, leasing or renting of the following goods: antiques; art; art supplies; bicycles; building supplies; cameras; carpet and floor coverings; crafts; clothing; computers; dry goods; electronic equipment; fabric; furniture; garden supplies; hardware; household products; jewelry; medical supplies; musical instruments; music; pets; pet supplies; printed materials; sporting goods; or any similar use. The retail sale of automobile parts shall be considered retail general provided no on-site automobile service or repair is provided. This definition does not include any adult entertainment establishment.
      (8)   Retail, neighborhood. A facility involved in the sale, lease, or rental of new or used products primarily to local traffic in the surrounding neighborhood. Neighborhood retail shall include the selling, leasing or renting of the following goods: books; health and beauty products; photo finishing;
crafts; flowers; gifts or souvenirs; groceries; plants; picture frames; produce; stationery; tobacco; videos or any similar use. Also includes preparation and sale of baked goods, coffee, ice cream, fountain drinks, confections and similar products whose preparation does not require installation of an exhaust hood.
      (9)   Service, general. A facility involved in providing personal or repair services to through traffic as well as the surrounding neighborhood. General services shall include the following  personal services: animal grooming; dance, martial arts, photographic, music studio or classroom; photocopy, blueprint, quick-sign service; psychic or medium; security service; taxidermist; catering service or any similar use. General services shall also include the following repair services: bicycles; mopeds, canvas products; clocks; computers; jewelry; musical instruments; office equipment; radios; shoes; televisions; furniture; watches or any similar use. Also includes a tailor, milliner, upholsterer or locksmith. This definition does not include any adult entertainment establishment.
      (10)   Service, neighborhood. A facility involved in providing limited personal services to local traffic in the surrounding neighborhood. Neighborhood services shall include the following: personal care services such as hair, nail, tanning, massage therapy; laundromat; dry cleaning and laundry pickup station; pack and ship facility; or any similar use.
      (11)   Vehicle sales. A facility involved in providing direct sales, renting or leasing of motor vehicles, light and medium trucks, tractor trailers, recreational vehicles, earthmoving equipment; construction equipment; farming equipment; and other consumer motor vehicles such as motorcycles and boats, or any similar use.
      (12)   Vehicle service. A facility involved in providing limited service to passenger vehicles and other small consumer vehicles. Such minor operations are primarily provided while customers wait for their vehicles. Limited vehicle service shall include the following: alignment shop; quick lubrication facilities; brake service, battery sales and installation; outdoor car wash; auto detailing and tire sales and mounting; or any similar use.
      (13)   Vehicle repair. A facility involved in providing repair services to passenger vehicles, light and medium trucks, tractor trailers, recreational vehicles, earthmoving equipment; construction equipment; farming equipment; and other consumer motor vehicles such as motorcycles and boats,  or any similar use.
      (14)   Warehouse and freight movement. A facility involved in the storage or movement of goods for themselves or other firms. Goods are delivered to other firms or the final consumer with little on-site sales activity to customers. Warehouse and freight movement shall include the following: bulk storage, including nonflammable liquids, feed and grain storage; cold storage plants, including  frozen food lockers; household moving and general freight storage; separate warehouse used by retail store such as furniture or appliance store; bus barn; parcel services, mail order facility; stockpiling of sand, gravel, or other aggregate materials; transfer and storage business where there are no individual storage areas or where employees are the primary movers of the goods to be stored or transferred; or any similar use.
   (E)   Industrial use groups.
      (1)   Manufacturing, general. A facility conducting manufacturing with some operations conducted outside. General manufacturing shall include the following: bulk mailing service; clothing or textile manufacturing; manufacture or assembly of equipment, instruments (including musical instruments), appliances, precision items, and electrical items; printing, publishing, and lithography; production of artwork and toys; sign-making; building maintenance service; exterminator; movie production facility; laundry or dry cleaning plant; photo-finishing laboratory; repair of scientific or professional instruments and electric motors; sheet metal; welding, machine, tool repair shop or studio; woodworking, including cabinet makers and furniture manufacturing; or any similar use.
      (2)   Manufacturing, heavy. A facility conducting assembly heavy manufacturing with operation conducted indoors and outdoors. Heavy manufacturing shall include the following: heavy factory production; industrial yards; any use that is potentially dangerous, noxious or offensive to neighboring uses or those who pass on public ways by reason of smoke, odor, noise, glare, fumes, gas, vibration, threat of fire or explosion, emission of particulate matter, interference with radio, television reception, radiation or any other likely cause; animal processing, packing, treating, and storage; livestock or poultry slaughtering; citrus concentrate plant; processing of food and related products; production of chemical, rubber, leather, clay, bone, paper, pulp, plastic, stone, or glass materials or products, production or fabrication of metals or metal products including enameling and galvanizing, sawmill; bulk storage of flammable liquids; commercial feed lot; concrete batching and asphalt processing and manufacture; wrecking, junk or salvage yard; bottling plant; or any similar use.
      (3)   Research and development. A facility focused primarily on the research and development of new products. Research and development shall include: laboratories, offices, and other facilities used for research and development by or for any individual, organization, or concern, whether public or private; prototype production facilities that manufacture a limited amount of a product in order to fully investigate the merits of such a product; pilot plants used to test manufacturing processes planned for use in production elsewhere; production facilities and operations with a high degree of scientific input; facilities and operations in which the input of science, technology, research, and other forms of concepts or ideas constitute a major element of the value added by manufacture per unit of product.
      (4)   Waste service. A facility that generally receives solid or liquid wastes from others for transfer to another location, collects sanitary waste or manufactures a product from the composting of organic material. Waste-related service shall include the following: animal waste processing; landfill, incinerator; manufacture and production of goods from composting organic material; outdoor recycle processing center; outdoor storage of recyclable material, including construction material; transfer station; or any similar use.
   (F)   Uses not specifically listed.
      (1)   Any use not specifically listed in this chapter is expressly prohibited, unless the Planning Director determines in accordance with § 156.715, that the use is similar to a permitted individual use or permitted group of uses as listed in this chapter. Where such similar permitted individual use or permitted group of uses is subject to a use standard  contained in this chapter or conditional use or special use review, the proposed use shall also be subject to such standard or approval. The Planning Director shall not amend this chapter by adding to or eliminating any use standard for the proposed use.
      (2)   Where a use not listed is found by the Planning Director not to be similar to any other permitted individual use or permitted group of uses, the use shall be permitted only following a text amendment in accordance with § 156.703. The decision of the Planning Director may not be appealed to the Board of Adjustment.
      (3)   When considering the appropriate districts for a use not listed in the Permitted Land Use Table, the district intent statements (see § 156.203) shall be taken into consideration.
      (4)   Determination of an appropriate group of uses for a proposed use not currently listed shall be made by applying the following criteria:
         (a)   The actual or projected characteristics of the activity in relationship to the stated characteristics of each use category;
         (b)   The relative amount of site area or floor space and equipment devoted to the activity;
         (c)   Relative amounts of sales from each activity;
         (d)   The customer type for each activity;
         (e)   The relative number of employees in each activity;
         (f)   Hours of operation;
         (g)   Building and site arrangement;
         (h)   Types of vehicles used and their parking requirements;
         (i)   The relative number of vehicle trips generated;
         (j)   Signs;
         (k)   How the use is advertised;
         (l)   The likely impact on surrounding properties; and
         (m)   Whether the activity is likely to be found independent of the other activities on the site.
   (G)   Developments with multiple principal uses.
      (1)   Except as set forth in § 156.301, no more than 1 principal building or use may be erected on a single lot of record.
      (2)   When all principal uses of a development fall within 1 use category, the entire development shall be assigned to that use category.
      (3)   When the principal uses of a development fall within different group of uses or no group of uses, each principal use shall be classified in the applicable group of uses or treated as an individual use and each use shall be subject to all applicable regulations for that group of uses or individual use.
      (4)   (a)   A development comprised of uses regulated by separate rows on the Permitted Land Use Table shall be reviewed using the most restrictive process from among the proposed uses.
         (b)   If a proposed development includes a gas station, library and restaurant, including outparcels, and 1 of those uses is only permitted as a special use in the district, then the entire development requires special use review.
      (5)   (a)   Where a use requiring approval as a conditional use or a special use lies on a separate legal parcel, only the building containing the use and its separate parcel shall be subject to review, not the entire project. However, where the separate legal parcel is an outparcel, the application shall describe the relationship of the outparcel to the remaining site.
         (b)   For example, where a vehicle repair shop in a B-3 district (subject to special use review) is an outparcel within a larger retail development, the special use shall review the outparcel only, not the entire development. However, where a special use is proposed in a building that contains a variety of other uses, the entire building and its associated parcel(s) of land shall require special use review.
(Ord. passed 6- -2019)