Chapter 92
The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:
   SECTION 1.  That the town in Johnston County now known as Kenly, be and the same is hereby incorporated, under the name and style of Kenly, and it shall have the benefit of and be subject to all the provisions of law now existing in reference to incorporated towns, not inconsistent with this act.
   SECTION 2.  That the corporate limits of the said town shall be as follows:  one half mile square with the center of Second street in the railroad track where it crosses the Wilson and Fayetteville Railroad, the geographical center.
Editor’s Note:
   Subsequent changes to the corporate limits through annexations are listed in Table of Special Ordinances I.
   SECTION 3.  That the officers of said corporation shall be a mayor, three commissioners and a town constable, and the following named persons shall fill said offices until the first Monday in May, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, viz.:  mayor, L. M. Hamilton; commissioners, L. G. Broughton, James R. Raper and John Davis; constable, A. R. Stancill.
   SECTION 4.  That there shall be an election held in said town on the first Monday in May, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and every successive year thereafter for the purpose of electing persons to hold said offices, under the same rules and regulations as are now in force for the election or members of the general assembly, and all persons residing within said corporation who shall have lived in said corporation sixty days and in this state one year (and not otherwise disfranchised) shall be entitled to vote at said election; and said officers shall have all the rights, powers and duties and shall be subject to all the liabilities which are mentioned in chapter sixty-two of The Code, volume two.
   SECTION 5.  That the said commissioners shall have power to pass all by-laws, rules and regulations for the good government of the town not inconsistent with the laws of this state or the United States, and to levy and collect a tax on all subjects of state taxation not to exceed one half of the said state tax, and to impose fines for the violation of town ordinances and to collect the same.  Also to levy and collect all such license and privilege taxes as are mentioned in chapter sixty-two, volume two, of The Code.
   SECTION 6.  That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification.
   In the general assembly read three times, and ratified this the 7th day of March, A. D. 1887.
   Adoption of Council-Manager form of government, see § 30.01