General Provisions
32.01 Composition
32.02 Trustees; election, term, and vacancies
32.03 Powers and duties
32.04 Compensation
Rules of Procedure
32.20 Proceedings before Board of Trustees
32.21 Presiding officer
32.22 Meetings
32.23 Quorum
32.24 Deferral of committee reports
32.40 Ordinances and rules to execute powers
32.41 Ordaining clause
32.42 Vote required; method of voting
32.43 Approval and disapproval by President
32.44 Reconsideration
32.45 Publication requirements; effective date
32.46 Recordation
32.47 Revision
32.48 Adoption of codes and public records by reference
Standing Committees
32.60 Authority to establish
32.61 Members