(A)   The Board of Trustees shall have the powers and shall perform the same duties as the city council in cities. It shall pass ordinances, resolutions, and motions in the same manner as a city council. The President of the Board of Trustees may exercise the same veto power and powers in 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-30, and with like effect, as the Mayor of a city. The Trustees may pass motions, resolutions, and ordinances over the President’s veto in like manner as the alderpersons of a city council.
(65 ILCS 5/3.1-45-5)
   (B)   The Board of Trustees shall consist of the President and six Trustees. It shall meet in accordance with the Open Meeting Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. It shall keep a journal of its own proceedings.
(65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-5)
   (C)   The Board shall be the sole judge of the election to office of the Trustees. It shall also be the sole judge of whether, under 65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-5, Trustees are eligible to hold their offices. A court, however, shall not be prohibited from hearing and determining a proceeding in quo warranto.
(65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-10)
   (D)   The Board shall determine its own rules of proceeding and punish its members for disorderly conduct. With the concurrence of two-thirds of the Trustees then holding office, it may expel a Trustee from a meeting, but not a second time for the same incident.
(65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-15)
   (E)   The Board may prescribe, by ordinance, the times and places of the Board meetings, and the manner in which special Board meetings may be called. The President or any three Trustees may call special meetings of the Board. In addition to any notice requirement prescribed by the Board, public notice of meetings must be given as prescribed in §§ 2.02 and 2.03 of the Open Meeting Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02 and 2.03).
(65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-25)
   (F)   In the absence of the President, Acting President, or President Pro Tem, the Board of Trustees may elect a Trustee to act as a temporary chairperson. He or she shall have only the powers of a presiding officer and a right to vote in his or her capacity as Trustee on any ordinance, resolution, or motion.
(65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-35(b))